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Establish A Thesis Using The Four Poems Of John Donne

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Establish a thesis using the four poems of John Donne

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Name Instructor Course Date Establish a thesis using the four poems of John Donne John Donne wrote on secular themes in his early poems and then focused on religion his later work. While the poet appreciated the benefits of physical love, he indicated that spirituality was important and even gives them purpose. At the same time, Donne was concerned with what happened to the soul after death and drew inspiration from the Scriptures to link his work with meditation, and the divine (Brown 71). Donne explores the theme of love in his work, differentiating between true, Godly love and genuine affection, which is not based on lust. In Song, Donne states “Yesternight the sun went hence, And yet is here today (stanza 2 lines 9-10). The narrator assures the lover that he will be faithful even after going to a journey and promises to return. In stanza four, line 17-18 of A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning he states “Dull sublunary lovers' love (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit”. This implies that spiritual kinship while there are limitations of earthly love that is mostly based on physicality. Donne saw himself as a valediction to the world navigating the secular while ...
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