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Artificial Intelligence: Advancement in Technology and AI Development

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Artificial Intelligence
Humans throughout history are known for their relentless pursuit for knowledge. Significant changes in the dynamics and structure of societies throughout the world usually result in the new development of new technological innovations meant to help those societies. The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been on the rise in the last years, a transformative technology that could see numerous applications in virtually all aspects of human life such as warfare, communication, security, healthcare among others. Concerns have, however, been raised on the technology citing vital areas such as automation leading to unemployment, concerns over taxes, privacy and so on. But as history has shown, technology and its advancement contain both positive and negative sides. The power of disruptive technology cannot be underestimated in any society with often very unprecedented outcomes, which can either be good or bad. AI is a technological tool that, if used correctly, has the power of unlocking the human potential and improving efficiency in areas that are not humanly possible.
With the advancement in technology and AI development, the application of AI has grown to include areas where humans are inefficient or unable to keep up with AI applications. The application of AI technology has experienced massive growth and demand in numerous fields. Tufekci notes that AI technology gives employers more leverage in the workplace application. Use of AI technology has seen machines perform better than humans in some tasks, with excellent work output at less cost as compared to humans. Tufekci also demonstrates that employers prefer the application of AI technology for its predictability and the machines are easy to control; thus also easy to manage productivity and efficiency in business operations.
AI technology is bringing disruptions in various areas of life previously taken up by humans. Bilton observes the applications of helper robots that are likely to step up to the care of the ailing patients and the growing elderly population if the number of healthcare workers fails to match the ever-increasing demand for their services. Such a future is likely to happen sooner with the population of senior citizens aged over 65 years expected to surpass 72 million Americans by 2030. Bilton adds that the demand for home caregivers is projected to increase by 70% by 2020 thus signaling a looming crisis in the shortage of home aide givers. David Hanson also opines that developing robots capable of showing emotions and making expressions on their own can be used to provide companionship. The application of AI technology in the use of helper robots will, therefore, solve the crisis and offer much-needed assistance in areas such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, and offering company.
Additionally, the relationship between AI machines and their users has been found to be positive. Bilton provides the findings of Dr. Rogers, a professor at Georgia Tech, who asserts that senior people develop relationships and can bond with helper robots similar to other inanimate objects. While the appearance of the robotic assistants played a significant role in how older people perceived and trusted them, Bilton notes that the study at George Tech found out the users were intrigued by the idea having these helped robots in their homes.
Moreover, cThe jfejrbjfbjombining AI technology with other academic fields such as cognitive science, psychology and sociology will be a significant boost to humanity giving humans more capacity to develop better technology in machine technology. Fei-Fei Li acknowledges that AI technology has numerous looming effects on humans and we are yet to come to terms with these effects. Strikingly, Li notes with concern that the application of a richer AI technology is centered at enhancing humans and the society in general, and not replacing us as some opponents profess. Li postulates that the contributions of AI to society are immense. By giving an example of an AI application in surgery, Li asserts the advantages that AI adds to the process such as helping the surgeons focus on their strengths and keeping control on more mundane tasks involved in the process while AI is protecting them against human error, fatigue, and distraction. Enhancing such a role means increased efficiency and productivity thus making true of its ‘enhancing’ promise in humans.
Undeniably, AI technology is likely to bring disruptive changes in society. As the adage goes, with more power comes great responsibility. AI is a tool whose benefits will largely depend on the n...
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