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Essay 4 Spring 2019 Racism and Identity in America

Essay Instructions:

Due for peer review: 4/19

Final draft due:4/22

Required Length: 1000 words minimum

Sources: You must use at least 5 sources. More may be used if desired. At least 3 of those must be articles not discussed in class.

These essays must be written third person. This is because third person is the preferred academic format and you need to train yourself to eliminate all "yous" and personal pronouns of any sort. Maintain academic distance from your topic! The essay must be 1000+ words. . You may write more than 850 words, but do not write less or your grade will be lowered. The amount of points lost will depend on how short the essay is and is at my discretion. Consider the following as a guideline: the amount of points deducted will not exceed the percentage of words missing from the required word count. If you wish to contest the amount deducted for length, you must email me a copy of your essay so that I can see the actual word count minus header and works cited.

Be sure to use textual references (this means actual quotations and/or paraphrases from the articles) to back up your ideas. Be sure your sources are reliable and remember that you may not use Wikipedia or blogs as sources. You must follow MLA format for in-text citation and the works cited page. Refer to your handbook for information on MLA citation. Please remember that failure to cite properly can result in a plagiarism charge. If you are having problems, ask me or visit the Learning Center for help. Not using sources or omitting the works cited page will result in a penalty of 10 points off the essay grade.

Choose one of these topics:

(1) Define diversity and discuss if America is really “diverse” or whether this a myth created to make society seem “Politically Correct”? Remember, this is requires more than just an opinion. Use sources to support your ideas and do not use first person.

(2) When racism is discussed, it is usually done in relation to unfair treatment of African Americans. Are other groups, be they racial, ethnic, or religious, victims of discrimination and bias in America? To examine the problem closely, choose one group (excluding African Americans, who have already been covered in class) and examine the historical background and current situation of that group in America, always keeping the idea of bias in mind.

(3) How should schools approach teaching about politically or racially charged topics? Be sure to include three examples of “problematic” topics. For example, should they be avoided, approached in a politically correct way, or simply as a part of the social science curriculum? You can certainly offer any ideas you have on the subject, but remember to keep it academic. Be careful of personal bias and use of hyperbole (over-exaggeration).

Chose one of these three topics and write an argumentative using at least four sources to support your argument. Create a dialogue between you and the sources. Do this in a point by point format.

The essay must be submitted both on paper in class and on Canvas by 4/22.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Racism and Identity in America
According to Healey, Diversity is the existence if differences in group of people in the society in terms of culture, race and tribe (Healey 439). These differences are key factors which are essential in enabling the survival of human beings in the world. The survival of human beings is facilitated by the existence of various ways of thinking, process and variation in the way in which people perceive different situations as well as the reaction of people under different circumstances. Therefore, the different types of growth in the society which cut across economy, politics a social integration are contributed by the diversity present in the society. However, these differences may also have negative impact on the society which in many cases occurs inform of discrimination of one group by the other in lines of the basic variations which exist among people (Antonio, Anthony, Lising and Hakuta, 509). For instance, sexual discrimination many occur on the Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people making them feel secluded from the society and develop low self-esteem due to stigma. Additionally, discrimination may exist on people with different race which many occur in places of work as well as in learning institutions.
Diversity in America
The society in America is becoming more diverse which is highly attributed to factors like the cross-border mobility, less rigidity in the roles of gender, indivindualizat9o processes and the improved standards of living (Ogbu, 10). These factors affect the social interaction among people due to some differences which may exists in some groups thus increasing or reducing the level of interaction among the people. The main observable differences which may prevail in the society include cultural differences, race, ethnicity, sexual differences and diversity in religious beliefs.
Cultural Diversity
United States of America bears one of the most complex identities of culture in the world due to its diverse heritage and great size. This can be associated with the great immigration which took place between the 17th and 18th century after it was colonies by the Europeans (Arreola 140). His aspect led to blending of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds from many parts of the world. America therefore hosts many groups with a variety of cultural aspects which have facilitated its formation of subcultures within the country. The subcultures majorly determined by the settlement patterns mainly by the non-natives as well as geographical and weather differences. People of various regions therefore have different cultural values, lifestyles and dialects. Therefore, although the American share many similarities, that express great differences in the way of thinking.
The American show many differences in language, art, living styles as well as the kind of food that they eat. For instance, some types of food such as Cuisine was influenced by the invasion of the Europeans (Arreola 140). Additionally, there are some cooking styles which are dominant in some specific regions. This is evident with the southern cooking style which is also referred to as the American comfort food and found around Texas. The Spanish cooking style also exit in the United States which was mainly influenced by the American with Spanish originality. The Arts culture of American range from crafted items to music which is greatly influenced by people living specific areas of the country. The music has diverse styles such as country and western music which greatly vary in terms of the people that occupy specific geographical locations.
Racial and Ethni...
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