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Robinson, Sentimental Education Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1: Carefully read and reread Jenefer Robinson, “L'éducation sentimentale” (posted on the “Files” page of our Canvas site).
2: Your main task in this assignment is to recapitulate the main argument, that is, to identify the main conclusion, and the premises in support of it. (See instructions for argument recap from Module 1).
3: Briefly evaluate the main argument in light of the instructions for argument evaluation from Module 1. Is the argument valid (that is, is the conclusion supported by the premises)?
4: Evaluate the premises: are the premises true, acceptable, or plausible? If so, why? If not, why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sentimental Education
As far as Jenefer Robinson is concerned, there exists a fine delineation between emotions and beliefs, and this delineation is mainly responsible for how people learn about others and about human emotions in general. Robinson posits that it is quite often that emotions and beliefs are conflated with each other, and the result of this conflation is a false representation of human emotions and how they are perceived in the society.
Throughout the article, Robinson makes it her point to illustrate exactly how emotions and beliefs are different from each other and how these differences manifest in a variety of situations. In the essay, she makes a point of demonstrating just how different emotions and beliefs are, in spite of the fact that they may often accompany each other. According to Robinson, beliefs are not contained in the thought process, but they follow emotional experiences instead. For instance, an individual may not have a particular belief about someone when they are having a bad experience with the person. However, the emotions of sadness and negativity which have been associated with the experience created a belief about the individual (in this case a possible belief would be that the individual is perhaps unfriendly or unkind).
Taking this position into account, Robinson further asserts that since beliefs and emotions can be separated from each other, the learning process across human interactions can be perceived in a completely different light. Rather than holding the idea that individual beliefs about, say characters in a novel such as Anna Karenina, are responsible for educating r...
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