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The Effects Of The Gaokao Concept For The Educational System Of China

Essay Instructions:

Please staple your reflection to your final draft of Essay #3. Your hard copy submission of Essay #3 should include the following (in this order):

Final draft

Rough draft

Peer Review



We have discussed how writing is a process, an exploration of an idea. This is your chance to show me that process. By reflecting on your own writing, you will come to better understand yourself as a writer and as a thinker. Your Reflection will provide me a lens through which to read your work so that I can provide you with the most helpful feedback possible.


For the Reflection, you will explain the choices you made in composing your essay. You do not need to defend your choices, rather you want to expose them and reflect on how you arrived at the project you turned in. What problems did you confront? How did you solve these problems? Are you satisfied with the result? What did you learn about the writing process? What would you do differently next time?


Your essay must be at least 300 words in length, typed and in MLA format, and must respond to two or three of the issues below:

present an insight regarding your work related to the production of it

explain the rhetorical situation (purpose, intended audience, desired effect upon the audience) and the rhetorical choices you made (appeals, style, etc.)

draw connections to texts we have read or course concepts

reflect on the most successful elements of the work as well as the elements you feel do not meet up to your expectations or hopes

reflect on the peer review process and how you responded to the feedback.

say whatever you want to say to the teacher and to yourself about the process of writing this paper. What helped you write this paper? What was an obstacle in writing the paper?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In making my paper, I wanted to emphasize the effects of The Gaokao concept for the educational system of China, and through my research, I learned an even deeper understanding of it. Education has its essence focused on its capability to advance career and knowledge. In my paper, I wanted to find an element that would show education’s true importance. As they say, knowledge is power, and so, I chose this topic to show that education should be about learning new things that would make us more appreciative of life and the wonder of the universe. The Gaokao forces students to be judged according to written test scores, and this does not necessarily show the potential and the capabilities of a person. The source material that I got showed statistics that showed proof of the pressure that Gaokao puts among students. This is something that society needs to realize. Mental stress c...
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