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Asia Potts ENGL 1120 Change of Media- The Remix Project

Essay Instructions:

one Artifact and the essay


Research Remix Project




Purpose and Description


The aim of this project is to build on the work you have completed throughout the semester and communicate it to an outside, non-scholarly audience. Similar to previous assignments, you will respond to a particular rhetorical situation; the primary difference with this project, however, is that the rhetorical artifact you create should extend beyond the traditional academic research essay.  The process of “remixing” in a general sense involves taking things apart and putting them back together in a new way. Composing a “remixed” artifact can be a creative experience and an opportunity to experiment with different types of media. It can also ideally lead to novel insights about the problems and questions you are addressing in your writing.




This project will have two distinct components: 1) a “remixed” artifact and 2) an essay describing your new rhetorical situation and authorial choices.




Revisiting the Rhetorical Situation


Refocus your problem based on your research

Identify a new audience outside the academic community

Refocus your purpose based on your audience and problem

Identify a relevant genre for communicating your argument

Identify a relevant context for sharing your document/rhetorical artifact



The “Remixed” Artifact


The form of your artifact will depend on the rhetorical situation you have identified. For instance, you might create a visually-designed text to raise awareness around campus (e.g., poster, post card); Whatever you decide, your goal should be to distill the relevant parts of the research you completed for Essay 3 and communicate it to an audience who would benefit from your argument and findings.


Your artifact should:


Draw on the research you completed for Essay 3

Remix your research for a new audience and rhetorical situation

Focus on a concrete situation in which you can deploy your rhetorical artifact

Provide references to sources used and consulted, as appropriate for the genre



Remix Project Guidelines:


The remix project is meant to be a fun way for you to interact with your research. For this project, you must create an artifact that presents your research to the non-academic audience you identified earlier in the semester. Below are a list of pre-approved remix possibilities. However, I am willing to consider other ideas if you have them. Proposed new ideas must be submitted to me via email or in person by Wednesday, April 24th.


Videos: Video submissions should be a minimum of four minutes in length. This includes skits, infomercials, interviews, etc. Submission must be posted to Youtube. Submit links on Canvas. After you have received your grades, you may delete your video from Youtube if you choose to.


Instagram: Create a NEW IG that can be accessed by the public. Must contain a total of 15 posts, 5 of which must be videos involving discussion/interview based on your topic. Regular posts such as pictures must contain a caption that explains its relevance to you topic and the contribution its presence makes on the page. Photographs not taken by you must contain the accurate photo credit.


*Pamphlets- Must be at least 2 pages and in color.


*Infographics/Posters- Must include illustrations, along with text (charts, graphs, figures) and be in color.


*Paper submissions such as posters, infographics, and pamphlets must be printed and submitted to my box by the assignment due date. The MDRL on the first floor of the library allows free printing on school assignments. Take a copy of this sheet with you, should you be asked to verify your printing is for an assignment.




The Explanatory Essay


You will compose an essay to accompany your remixed artifact. This essay is meant to supplement the artifact and explain in detail the intellectual work put into creating that artifact. Your essay should:


Define all of the parts of your new rhetorical situation

Explain how this rhetorical situation has informed the development of your final project, thoughtfully justifying your authorial choices

Fully explain the purpose of your document and how it might work to specifically reach the new audience you’ve identified

Be at least 2 full pages long (no more than 3) and be double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and MLA 8th edition format


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Wei Zeng
Asia Potts
ENGL 1120
Change of Media- The Remix Project
The public need to be more informed and with the advent of new media, journalists have a more important role to fact check stories and support he freedom of expression. However, there are threats to the freedom of expression and yet the public do not fully comprehend this. New media has broken barriers to access to information, but there have been more efforts to control what is said across the internet. Even though, journalists still work in traditional media, access to new media plays an important role in their ability to reach out to the audiences without government control or interference (Gainous, Wagner and Gray 715). The rhetorical situation is supporting growth of new media and freedom of expression among ordinary citizens as the new technological resources facilitate participatory journalism.
In some cases, there maybe increase self-censorship because of pressure by the government, which results in owners and directors of media and other groups also acceding to government demands. Some journalists have sacrificed professional principles for fear of losing their job, and becoming less independent at a time when governments can monitor their online activities. However, since new media favors network communication the presence of digital interfaces, has also allowed more people to produce content as there is less control of what non-journalist choose to create. In any case, new media is social and collaborative, unlike traditional media, which is unidirectional.
Public officials and ordinary citizens have the same right to freedom of expression and in a democracy the rights to freedom of expression and press are guaranteed. However, even the attempts to interfere with the work of journalists across the internet presents challenges to the growth of citizen journalists where people are participants and consumers of media content (Gainous, Wagner and Gray 718). Journalists know that the freedom of expression...
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