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Hills Like White Elephant by Ernest Hemingway

Essay Instructions:

The topic of the essay is how does the writer contact the girl and the American man. Make a own title.

Please write this essay after reading the story, and follow the outline. My teacher said we have to context the story, like where we know this point from the story.


• 40% content

• 30% organization

• 30% expression (grammar, etc)

Technical points:

• Proper paragraphing and sentence structure is expected.

• Quotes should be followed with the proper textual citation – in brackets, author and page number. Ex: “I hadn’t, but…” (Carver, 23).

• Essays are expected to include an introduction, as well as a conclusion.

• Some use of direct quotation is required.

• Essays require a clear thesis statement backed up throughout the essay by references to the text.

• Papers more than 10% over the max, or 10% under the minimum will be penalized.


Choose ONE of the following options:

• In Hills Like White Elephants, how does Hemingway contrast the two main characters?

• In A Girl’s Story, how is the narrator’s own struggle represented in the story he’s writing?

• In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, how does Bierce use language to reflect the main character’s evolving emotional state?

Sample Essay Outline


  • Text:
  • Opening/hook:
  • Thesis statement:
  • Method statement

Paragraph I

  • Main point:
  • Topic sentence:

o   Evidence 1:

o   Evidence 2:

o   Evidence 3:

Paragraph II

  • Main point:
  • Topic sentence:

o   Evidence 1:

o   Evidence 2:

o   Evidence 3:

Paragraph III

  • Main point:
  • Topic sentence:

o   Evidence 1:

o   Evidence 2:

o   Evidence 3:


  • Restated thesis:
  • Suggestion of greater meaning?:
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Due Date
“Hills like White Elephant” by Hemingway is an excellent example of the role of women in the last century. In the story, women do not have much influence in their marriages or relationships when it comes to important issues like abortion. Other themes like, the theme of communication, conflict, change, and reliance are also illustrated in the story. The conversation the couple has at the railway station is the center of the short story. This story is essential because it uses symbolism for the two protagonists. Therefore symbolism and sharp dialogue are some of the dominant styles in this story.
Ernest Hemingway narrates the story of a man and a woman who disagreed on a conflict that could potentially affect their entire relationship. Hemingway presents the readers with a social dilemma of male domination in society over women (Hemingway, 39). The conversation takes place at that train station and that the husband would like the girl to have an abortion. Hemingway uses symbolism to illustrate that jog is pregnant, and a decision should be made whether or not she should keep the pregnancy. At the beginning of the story, Hemingway describes the condition of the atmosphere as there was no shade and no trees and the station was between two lines in the sun” (Hemingway 5). On one part of the landscape, there is no tree, and this symbolizes barrenness while the other side the fields are green and this symbolizes fertile ground. The author creates a sense of distance between the couples in the manner he introduces them. Hemingway describes them as the girl and the American. His use of vast symbolism throughout gives the reader a sense that the woman, Jig, might choose not to have the abortion (Mays, n.d).
Hemingway also uses symbolism when she tells the American that t...
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