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Their Eyes Were Watching God Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please summarize and respond to one important part /theme from Chapter 9-14 in Zora Neale Hurston's book: “Their Eyes Were Watching God”


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Summary of chapter nine
Chapter nine starts when the community puts the grand funeral to Joe where a good number of people turn and Janie is not the grief of the death but only sees some sense of freedom. Once the funeral occasion ended, Janie takes all the rags that were received from Joe and sets them on fire because had forced her to ware. She now develops a great sense of freedom and leaves her life as much as she had it with Joe. The only change is that she has to maintain her hair short and finds herself indulged in the evening gossips. Janie feels lonely and searches meaning to her life because her thoughts wander to her diseased Nanny and decide to hate Nanny for making her life unhappy because of love and develop straggling dreams.
Her position as a wealthy widow draws many men closes to her life in the name of advising her on the life of a woman. Most of the men address her telling her that a woman cannot stand by herself. However, Janie laughs at them because she is not ready to share her freedom with another loveless marriage. Ike Green, one of the local men, visits the store and warns Janie for her Suitors telling Janie that the men are only looking for the means of taking advantage over her. Janie assures Ike that she will not remarry, but Ike predicts that she might think of that later because of her young age. Hezekiah who is the store assistant and a delivery boy imitate Joe and Janie is amused at him. Besides, he assumes the role of Janie’s older brother because he helps in the management of the store and collecting the rent from the tenants which makes Janie develop affection for him and finally reveals her freedom.
Chapter ten...
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