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Death Of A Salesman By Arthur Miller

Essay Instructions:

Please watch the movie, Death of a Salesman, a 1949 play written by American playwright Arthur Miller.

Answer the following questions and be sure to label them 1,2,and 3.

1. What did Willy believe was the key to successful selling? Do you agree?

2. Does Willy Loman fit the typical profile of a successful salesman as presented in this course....why or why not?

3. Although Willy was a salesman, do you believe Arthur Miller was writing mostly about sales……or do you think he had a bigger point to make? If so, what? Does Willy's brother Ben fit into this? Has the play added anything to how you view selling?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s name: Course: Date: Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller's award-winning play and movie Death of a Salesman builds on the premise of Willy Loman’s pursuit of happiness through a commitment to hard work and discipline as the underlying pillars for having a successful life. Willy Loman, the lead actor in the film, believes that a successful selling thrives on the development and maintenance of an appealing appearance coupled with the ability to create or make a good impression on an audience. The character implores his ideology on successful selling to his entire family of two sons, Biff and Happy, as well as his persevering wife, Linda. One of the sons, Happy, turns out to be successful in business while the eldest languishes between jobs as he seems not to land a steady or satisfying job. It is evident that Biff closely follows his father’s ideology to no positive outcome and ends up being frustrated and disappointed in life. Willy Loman’s belief and emphasis on appearances and making good impressions also proves him wrong as he is laid off from his job after being removed from salaried employment to a commission basis. As it turns out, appearances and making a good impression are not enough to become a successful seller of whatever talents one poses in life or their field of expertise. Thus, Willy Loman’s principle is not enough to achieve the desired outcomes or success in a person’s area of specialty. The fact that Willy Loman loses his job after 34 years of service to the company raises questions over his abilities as a salesperson. One would expect him to be an irreplaceable or at least a member hard to replace from the sales team and whose skills to close deals ...
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