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Paper 2: Applying a Lens Cultural Relativism in The White Tiger

Essay Instructions:

Paper 2: Applying a Lens

4-5 pages The idea for this essay is coming from your mind, which means based on your own idea.

So far this semester, we have discussed several theories and terms as ways to read and interpret literature. For this paper, you will apply ONE theory or a glossary term to ONE of the texts we have read from this semester. Your argument must explain the significance of relating the theory or term to the text you have selected. What does it reveal in your reading to apply this theory to the text? What new readings might it generate? Use the theory or term as a lens to understanding the text, not just identify its presence in the text. That is, you must not simply demonstrate that the term or theory is seen in the text. You must also explain why it is significant to reading the text altogether.

Some ideas to get you started:

Examining the consequences of Othering in The White Tiger

so far this semester, we have discussed several theories and terms as ways to read and interpret literature. For this paper, you will apply ONE theory or a glossary term to ONE of the texts we have read from this semester. Your argument must explain the significance of relating the theory or term to the text you have selected. What does it reveal in your reading to apply this theory to the text? What new readings might it generate? Use the theory or term as a lens to understanding the text, not just identify its presence in the text. That is, you must not simply demonstrate that the term or theory is seen in the text. You must also explain why it is significant to reading the text altogether.

Some ideas to get you started:

Examining the consequences of Othering in The White Tiger

Final Notes about Paper 2:

A paper that is mostly or all summary will receive a failing grade.

You are expected to quote directly and sufficiently from the texts. Again, I suggest examining one portion or scene closely. If you discuss multiple scenes, you must explain how they are directly connected (i.e. you cannot discuss 2-3 scenes separately in 2-3 paragraphs; the connection must be explained).

The following glossaries are the words you need to consider on my essay, you must pick one of those words to use:

biopolitics -- in simple terms, the political regulation of the body (or bodies)

cultural relativism -- the idea that morals, beliefs, &c., differ from culture to culture, and that these differences are equally valid

foil -- a character whose qualities contrast that of the other in order to highlight certain traits through comparison.

frame story -- a story within a story.

liminal space - the space between, a space of crossing, the space just before a threshold which has yet to be crossed (e.g. the space between dreaming and waking is a liminal space)

Magical Realism - a genre that presents magical/supernatural occurrences in an otherwise realistic setting

Other -- any person or group that is outside the norm, the dominant society, &c.

paratext -- the texts that surround the main text (e.g. introductions, acknowledgements, essays, the cover of the book)

sublime -- awe-inspiring, sometimes bordering on terror.

Please let the writer knows:

Any and all quotes, paraphrase, or external material must be cited in-text and in the Works Cited. All paraphrase must be in your own words and syntax (i.e. do not copy/paste and change a few words, even with citation). Failure to cite properly is akin to plagiarism.

Do not rely on other people’s ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis. Under no circumstances should you use another person’s analysis as your own (e.g. from summary sites like SparkNotes, &c.).

And I have been uploaded the notes from our class. Please read it. And write down some ideas based on one of the following glossary: agency -- The ability to act on behalf of oneself.

All the idea comes from your mind, do not rely on other sources, and other people's idea.You should apply ONE theory or a glossary term to ONE of the texts for white tiger, and I have been uploaded the notes from our class. Please read it. And write down some ideas based on one of the following glossary: agency -- The ability to act on behalf of oneself.

biopolitics -- in simple terms, the political regulation of the body (or bodies)

cultural relativism -- the idea that morals, beliefs, &c., differ from culture to culture, and that these differences are equally valid

foil -- a character whose qualities contrast that of the other in order to highlight certain traits through comparison.

frame story -- a story within a story.

liminal space - the space between, a space of crossing, the space just before a threshold which has yet to be crossed (e.g. the space between dreaming and waking is a liminal space)

Magical Realism - a genre that presents magical/supernatural occurrences in an otherwise realistic setting

Other -- any person or group that is outside the norm, the dominant society, &c.

paratext -- the texts that surround the main text (e.g. introductions, acknowledgements, essays, the cover of the book)

sublime -- awe-inspiring, sometimes bordering on terror.

Do not rely on other people’s ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis. Under no circumstances should you use another person’s analysis as your own (e.g. from summary sites like SparkNotes, &c.). And I have uploaded my class notes, but do not depends on my class notes to write the essay. The essay must be your idea, and again, Any and all quotes, paraphrase, or external material must be cited in-text and in the Works Cited. All paraphrase must be in your own words and syntax (i.e. do not copy/paste and change a few words, even with citation). Failure to cite properly is akin to plagiarism.

Do not rely on other people’s ideas for this paper; I want your unique analysis. Under no circumstances should you use another person’s analysis as your own (e.g. from summary sites like SparkNotes, &c.).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cultural Relativism in “The White Tiger”
Globalization is upon us and its effects cannot be ignored. Increased commerce and trade, advancing technology and improved infrastructure have turned the world into a global village where now one culture from a far distance can be shared and experienced in another region quickly and effectively, unlike the ancient times. The above progress has brought about different views and cultural relativism is among the talked about topic. Since globalization brings about competition, an individual also tend to compete on aspects such as culture superiority. Cultural relativism observes that ones ethical or moral systems are different from the other and enhance that no system is better than the other based on the notion that we do not have a set standard observation of evil and good and hence the judgment on wrong or right is as a result of the society. This means that the beliefs on ethics and morality are based on the cultural viewpoint of every individual and thus we do not have an ethical or moral position that is wrong or right. As confusing as the above statement is it important to recognize the phenomena as cultural relativism has taken a wide position in the modern world. Looking at modern writings one can easily expound on the aspect with a view of modern society. This paper aims at looking at cultural relativism based on the novel The White Tiger by Julia Knoth.
The 21 century has seen many published items showing the bad economics, political and inequalities existing in the Indian economy, but The White Tiger comes in from a different angle where it praises the recent changing Indian economy. However, the seen development in the new Indian economy the caste system still shows a major influence on the society. The main character who will also be our main focus for this paper belongs to the lower castle but he manages to rise and becomes an entrepreneur. However, his rise to success from a tea shop attendant to murder, stealing and starting of his own taxi company is going to form the basis of morality in the wide subject of cultural relativism. Today, words like acceptance, tolerance, and pluralism seem to have expanded culture. This has made justifying anything on relativism possible. On the same ground, Balram is seen justifying his criminal acts based on his own moral understanding. Reading through the book the protagonist reinvents his own morality concept. But why not if the society holds no standard measure of evil or good.
Balram Moral Conventions
The novel shows Balram making decisions, which are not only wrong but immoral to the audience. His actions begin with minimum offenses like using Ashok's car to drive paying customers around but he does not let Ashok k...
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