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Do the Shortcomings of Manhattan Outweigh It Attractions?

Essay Instructions:

All the essays should have a hook statement, and a thesis statement in the first paragraph

The second, third, and fourth paragraphs should have a topic sentence with three supporting detail sentences, and two in line citations.

The concluding paragraph should contain two concluding sentences.

This is a total of 16 sentences.

All your sentences should begin with transition words

*Should have 5 paragraphs and 2 citations

*Should have specific details and examples

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Students name Professors name Course code and name Date “Do the Short Comings of Manhattan Outweigh It Attractions? Would You Want to Live in Manhattan After You Graduate?” City life comes along with various advantages and disadvantages that are not available in rural life. Most people consider rural life to be peaceful, but it is faced with the challenge of limited job opportunities. Therefore, the attractions of Manhattan outweigh its shortcomings. Among the attractions is that the area has plenty of job opportunities from which individuals can choose from. As well, medical facilities are within reach of individuals. Manhattan has the best colleges with all the necessary resources. On the other hand, Manhattan is quite expensive and therefore, it could be unaffordable to most people who wish to live there. For instance, fresh graduates have to look for cheap accommodation that can sustain them through their job search activities. Therefore, it becomes a challenge for them...
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