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Challenges to Success: Improving Grades for History Class

Essay Instructions:

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. how did it affect you, and did you learn from the experience?

Ps. *Because I write a paragraph in class before, my teacher will check this paper match or not, please follow the thing that I write do this essay. Thank you.

---->(During all the time that I study in The US high school, history class is always a big challenge for me. Because my English ability was not good enough, most of the time I just can not understand what is the teacher said, there are a lot of new words and teacher’s speak speed are too fast for me. Also, although I am really hard study at home to understand all the notes, I still cannot get a good grade in the test, cause I cannot understand question--- people can not improve language ability in a short time. It was makes me feel frustrated in a long time, Before 2019, I just think I cannot do anything good to my history study, and I almost want to give up. However, I am not a negative person that just let failure defeat me. One day, I have a idea in my mind: why I don’t try to study harder and to change the way to study? In that time, I feel a strong energy to pushed me do this idea. There is two days to next quiz, I study six hours per day and change my way to study that I find lot of example questions online to review over and over again makes me understand as much as possible. Finally, during that quiz I got a good grade. This things teach me that when you face to challenge how important people persevere. )

Essay Sample Content Preview:
College Essay
When in high school, mu major challenge was history class. Because I have poor English skills, I was unable to understand what the teacher said most of the times. I also felt that the speed of the teacher was fast. I was therefore passed by explanations. Although I studied hard at home, I was still unable to get good grades. I could not understand when studying alone. The questions were also hard for me. The used language was also difficult. Irrespective of the much I tried, I learned that I could not understand English within a short duration. Nonetheless, it was frustrating that my friends were improving their grade and English skills at a faster rate than me. It was disappointing that my efforts were not bearing fruits.
Before 2019, I just thought that I could not do anything good in my history study. I almost wanted to give up. I felt that my trying would not do me any good. I had tried for long and felt that I could not please my teacher. My grade was so low that I was afraid when talking to my friends or family. However, I am not a negative person and this is what has saved me. I did not want to give up in my studies. I could not let my failure defeat me. One day, I developed an idea in my mind. I came up with a way of studying to improve my grades. I realized that while I have been failing, my attitude might have contributed to it. Since I was failing in history exams, I conc...
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