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1 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 3.6

A Great Improvement In Writing

Essay Instructions:

•Offer a holistic assessment of the paper;

•Identifyspecific areaswhere your writing has improved;

•Identify specific areas where you can continue to improveyour writing;

•Articulatea specific course of action that explainshow you will continue to develop your craft as a writerbased on your self-assessment andyour instructor’s feedback;

•Be approximately one-page in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Romanor Garamond typeface);

•Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Tutor Course Date Assessment Throughout this course, I have been writing a number of essays. However, I have been trying to write regularly, either my class essays or reviewing my classmates’ essays and providing a feedback. I think that is a lot of writing. During this time, I have been experimenting what I learn from others in my essays, my writing process, and format and even utilizing some of the recent resources to produce quality content. The result of this has been great improvement in this writing and a better understanding on how to improve it further. Some of the areas where my writing has improved include: * Format and Structure. When I started writing I did not know the correct format and structure of my essays. Every essay has a structure; introduction, body and conclusion. I did not know what is supposed to fall into which part, but with time I have known what each part is and what it entails. Moreover, I have mastered the referencing style formats. This has enabled me to know the rules of structuring my essay and incorporate the resources. * Changing the workflow by experimenting new methods. As well as with new structure and format, I have tried different writing processes throughout the course. I have always wanted to be efficient and improve th...
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