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Reliance of Intuitions in Free Will Philosophy

Essay Instructions:

Show your understanding of the assigned readings and your own thought about the issues. You need to show you can understand attempted arguments for and against different metaphysical views, and that you have the ability to see the strengths and weaknesses of arguments. It helps to address arguments against your view and show why you think they do not prove you are wrong.

The paper should be at least 1500 words, and no more than 2500 words. It should be very clear which of the questions below you are answering. Your introduction should state what your conclusion will be in answering the question and should indicate what your main line of argument will be.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reliance of Intuitions in Free Will Philosophy Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Number: Date: Reliance of Intuitions in Free Will Philosophy The term ‘free will’ has been in existence in the philosophical world for over two millennia. Free will is the ability of an individual to unimpededly choose between several different courses of action. This term is relative to numerous other terms related to decision-making such as notions of responsibility and guilt. An example of a decision made in free will is an individual deciding to jump from a distant location in to a pool full of water. Secondly, in philosophy, intuition is the ability to obtain or gain a particular kind of knowledge that cannot be obtained or acquired either by education or observation, inference or reference, experience or reason. For instance, the knowledge or mathematics can be acquired via education and other sources but the truth of certain scientific concepts such as axioms cannot be inferred or observed. The interconnection of free will and intuition depends on several other philosophical terms and explanations that are correctly examined in the article. Thereupon, this paper focuses on explaining the capacity and degree of the possibility that people can use and rely on intuitions when making decisions based on free will. Therefore, the accumulative literature review on the study of both articles proves my hypothesis that in a world full of notions of determinism and incompatibility, human beings can still rely on their own intuitions when making decisions. From my understanding of the content article, I refer to intuitions as certain states of mind that we find ourselves in when considering between many propositions. In these propositions, the decision that one might end up making will might have or might have not depended on the experience of the individual, particular inferences form their past studies or educational reference. Their decision would have been made in free will. Thereupon, having understood both terms, the question of the topic is whether it is efficient for a philosopher to rely on their intuitions when making decisions. In this context, I will use the philosopher’s intuition as ‘evidence’ of the result, or the decision. The answer to the question, as Shaw (1980) supports it, is that yes, intuitions can be used as evidence to the decision made if the credibility of the philosopher’s theories and knowledge on the subject matter is higher than the philosopher’s knowledge on the background of the subject and the decisions of his predecessors on the same subject matter. For example, if an individual wish to make a decision on whether or not to eat noodles for lunch, his or her own intuitions will aid him or her in making the decision and not the background of the meal or people’s reviews on the matter. Many philosophers, in the recent years, have denied that an individual can use intuitions to make a decision. These philosophers deny the idea because of numerous philosophical considerations that something psychological such as an intuition cannot help one make a philosophical decision. Also, Nichols (2011) states that these philosophers, through their knowledge of experimental philosophy, state that one of the main problems facing common-sense free will include conflicted intuitions. However, I will argue that even though, for one to make a decision, they might have had intuitive propositions that made them land on the choice. This is to say that, in every situation requiring making a choice or decision based on free will, one must have a belief and an intuition. In the mind of the individual, the belief normally has the same cause as the intuition. When these two are combined, the person will achieve a sense of conceptual competence that will lead them to choosing an option. In most cases, beliefs are caused by intuitions and intuitions are caused by a particular third factor, common to both, and that will assure the individual that the decision they are making is the right one at the moment. For, example, in the case of either having noodles for lunch or not, the person must have had a belief in their mind that noodles are the perfect meal for them at the moment. Although the food might seem too light to be taken at lunch, if the individual combines his belief with his intuition urging him or her to take the meal, they will have the meal. This point proves that even though an intuition is a psychological phenomenon, it can still be used to make a decision. Secondly, numerous and diverse intuitions provide greater confidence. In free will, one is allowed to have several and diverse intuitions depending on the decision that they are making. Therefore, in a complicated situation full of determinism, one can have numerous intuitions in their mind and this will definitely aid them in landing on the perfect choice of decision on the matter. Shaw (1980) shows that philosophy, determinism is the notion that all events including choices and moral decisions made by an individual are completely determine by the causes of previous choices and occurrences. In most cases, determinism rejects intuitions and causes huge problems and lack of support to free will since in determinism, one tends to follow t...
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