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Mrs. Warren’s Profession: Captivity and Being a Subordinate

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Option 1: Langston Huges Handout.pdf and Walt Whitman Section from Norton Anthology.pdf
Option 2: T.S. Eliot Handout
Option 3: Yusef Komunyakka
Option 4: Sylvia Plath Handout.pdf, Edna St. Vincent Millay Handout, Anne Sexton Handout

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This essay sets to bring out the many struggles, challenges and choices of a mother to protect the lives of not only herself, but her child who is the only one too, from the economic and social restrictions of the society. As much as a mother’s duty should include that, Mrs. Warren renounces her life for that of her daughter’s through indulging in prostitution where there was a rise on the social constraints in the terms of moral codes in the Victorian Era. George Brad Shaw as a social critic, wrote Mrs. Warren’s Profession to attract the attention of women for their position in captivity and inured subordinate. The book, is also a determination of women in more than 20 years ago where issues like that were not allowed to be mentioned in society. Notably, prostitution in the present day is also a taboo not only as a word but also an occupation. However, under that occupation, the author got a mother character who portrayed sacred maternal instincts is determined to acquire a place in society. Shaw, has tried to expose hypocrisy and corruption of the respectable class and the consequences of professions like that through Mrs. Warren who by her choices is struggling to win the love and respect of her daughter who has discovered the truth about her mother.
Vivie is Mrs. Warren’s 22-year-old who is not only a topmost student at the University of Cambridge in the college for women, but also a woman who is educated among the few in her community. She works at a law firm and is honest and has self-thought. Vivie has no idea of her mother’s ‘who is very rich’ story. She spent her education life in school all through primary to the higher university level and was taken care of by her maid on occasions. Vivie did not meet Mrs. Warren quite often and this means that she barely knew her well. Her father was also not in the picture. Vivie later finds out what her mother does and that is relying on a brothel to acquire affluence. This makes Vivie very disappointed with Mrs. Warren and annoyingly swears on her retrogation. Her mother has no option but to tell Vivie her real story that it was circumstances that led her into that ordeal.
Mrs. Warren’s story makes Vivie believe that there are more intense reasons behind the exterior choices in careers so she admires her mother at first. She believes her mother is an amazing woman and has incredible boldness more than anyone. However, when Baron Croft, who wanted to marry Vivie, mentions that Mrs. Warren is still indulged in the prostitution business and that he is a shareholder, Vivie became angry and despite her mother’s efforts of trying to defend herself that she had already explained why she had to do it, she leaves. The discovery of Frank being her brother and that her mother had an affair with Samuel priest makes Vivie leave in extreme pain she swears that she’d fight to live virtuously and rely on her own undertakings. She makes a choice of never having pity again, won’t look for a husband and will not be in need of her mother.
With Vivie’s declaration that she wants the two subjects dropped that is Frank about young love that is a dream in any form or shape and Praed who is all about the romance and life’s beauty, if they have to remain friends then she made a choice of being regarded as a business woman, to Frank she would be indefinitely single and indefinitely unromantic in regarding to Praed. Notably, in society today, one needs boldness in an unwillingness choice to be weak in front of a man. Vivie’s choices and the way she was smoking cigars even in her past time portrays the “’New Woman” an image that was popular in Europe and London around the late 19th century. Instead of actually walking out of the door, she quickly tu...
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