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President Obama’s Action of Ordering U.S Military Intervention in Iraq

Essay Instructions:

Read page 594, “Intervention to Stop ISIS.” Complete the following parts.
1. Consider President Obama’s action of ordering a US military intervention in Iraq. Apply Just War Theory. Specifically, for each condition of Jus Ad Bellum, say whether or not this order meets the condition, and briefly say why or why not. Make sure that for each condition, you include a sentence like this: “The order meets the condition of ___ because ___”, or like this: “The order does not meet the condition of ___ because ___.” Make sure you cover all 6 conditions (see pages 541–43).
2. Apply (Act) Utilitarianism. Would Utilitarianism say that this order was morally permissible? Explain your answer.
3. Apply Kant’s Means-Ends principle. Would Kant say that this order was morally permissible? Explain your answer.
4. Do you think the order was morally permissible? Explain why or why not, giving at least one substantial reason. Note: If you agree with one of the three theories discussed above, your explanation must not simply repeat a reason given in a previous section; instead, it must explain why you found that reason to be the most important in this case.
i. Assume your reader is not very familiar with the theories you discuss, and might not know all the relevant details. Your essay should explain each theory clearly and explicitly enough that even an uninformed reader can understand how each theory applies.
ii. To make sure your grader doesn’t misread your essay, make the structure is very explicit. For example, a good way to start is: “According to Just War Theory, six conditions must be met to justify going to war. President Obama’s order meets (does not meet) the condition of … because ….” Then continue through the other five conditions. Then, in a new paragraph, move on to Utilitarianism: “According to Utilitarianism, ….” In another paragraph, move on to Kant’s principle. Finally, include a paragraph for part 4.
iii. Do not spend a lot of the essay explaining the details of the situation in Iraq, which are discussed in President Obama’s order. Give a general description, plus as much specific information as you need to complete parts 1–4.
iv. It is your responsibility to understand and follow the Auburn University academic honesty code. In this case, it’s easy to follow: Do not consult any other sources beyond the textbook. This is not a research paper, so you do not need to find or use sources. Any reliance on sources beyond the textbook will constitute plagiarism.
v. Use the rubric as a guide. Check your own work against it. Make sure it will be obvious to your reader, and not just to you, that your essay meets the criteria.
• Your essay should be about 2 pages, double spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins.
• Print a copy and bring it to class on Wednesday, November 28.

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Essay 2
In 2014, President Obama gave an order to launch an airstrike against ISIS, who had waged war against a religious minority group, following a request from the Iraqi government. This order was to prevent a possible genocide against innocent people.Just war theory proposes that war can be morally justifiable if it meets six conditions. President Obama’s order meets the first condition of a just cause because it was meant to protect a group of innocent people who faced a possible genocide attack, and whose basic rights to live and worship were being violated. The order also meets the condition of sanction by proper authority because the Iraqi government had made an official request to the U.S. government. Further, the order meets the condition that the war should be fought with the right intentions because the U.S. government was acting purely to prevent a genocide against innocent people. There were no ill motives driving this order. The order does not meet the condition of using armed conflict as a last resort because there is no indication that the U.S. government tried any peaceful interventions before using airstrikes. However, the fact that the Iraqi government requested for intervention from the U.S. could be an indication that war was the last resort. The order meets the condition that the good resulting from war must be weighed against the bad because the airstrike was targeted at ISIS, who are known terrorists and saving innocent lives would outweigh the death of terrorists. Finally, the order meets the condition of reasonable success probability because an airstrike could guarantee...
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