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How Can Parents Goals And Expectations Be Made To Respect The Right

Essay Instructions:

A total of two author's articles as the reference to write this essay. The essay includes a beginning paragraph, three body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph,so make sure there should be only 5 paragraphs totally. Each body paragraph should include two quotes, one for each article. I upload the detailed topic introduction of this essay and the sample structure of this essay. P.S. 1. Don't write this essay so sophisticated, I am a non-native English speaker, so try to use more simple statements or words to write this essay, this is really important! Please only use the quotes and information from these two articles, don't use any other reference from the website.

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November 16, 2018
The Tough Job of Ethical Parenting
Parents have always been confronted with different ethical dilemmas in their daily lives. While these dilemmas are mostly about simple decisions that they have to make about their child’s upbringing, there are also times when these decisions could mean life or death for their own children. Obviously, this creates a tougher job for parents as there are times when their own goals and expectations require them to go beyond what is considered ‘ethical’. Times when they have to make sacrifices and live with the results of those decisions that they believe is the best for their own children. In this article, this overlap between ethics and parenting would be discussed in further detail. On the one hand, an article written by Chua, entitled Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior, would talk about simple but frequent dilemmas that parents face when it comes to honing their child’s behavior. A choice between employing a stringent method of upbringing (i.e., Chinese mothers) that pushes for their child’s excellence or a more liberated one (i.e., Western mothers) that prioritizes their children’s freedom. On the other hand, the other article written by Belkin, talks about the biggest decisions that parents make, especially those which could mean their child’s life or death. Specifically, this article outlines the wonders of medical technology in providing cure for children, in relation to the ethics behind it. In light of all this, I believe that ethical parenting still lies in one’s concerns for their children. Consequently, this means that ethical parenting could happen regardless of which path a parent takes, as long as their strongly believe that what they’re doing is the best for their children’s sake.
The Role of Ethics in Upbringing
Most people believe that there is a thin line between being an effective and a strict parent. This is because most of the time being effective needs the value of being strict and ‘effectivity’ only becomes perceive once the results of those values bear fruit. Take for example the stereotypical image of a Chinese parent. Chinese parents are seen as very strict to their children, as they push their children as hard as possible to excel in almost every field possible, especially in their academics. In fact, “studies indicate that compared to Western parents, Chinese parents spend approximately 10 times as long every day drilling academic activities with their children” (Chua 1). Nevertheless, they could also be seen as ‘effective’ especially when their kids start hitting those high A+’s in their classes. In contrasts, while it might seem being strict is an important value for success, the Western parenting method does not approve of the use of such stringent measures to hone their children. However, in most cases, these difficult choices are made as people see “how bad the other side can be” (Belkin 7). This is the reason why parents, when faced with impossible decisions, choose the less negative path just to ensure the best for their children.
While choices in terms of upbringing may be different based on culture, parents have always chosen what they believe is best for their children. In this case, it is important to look at that idea of what “parents believe in”. In terms of upbringing, it could be seen that most of choices made by Chinese mothers are oriented towards the ‘future’ of their own children. It is because they believe that It is important for their children to achieve success, especially because it would ensure them of a better life. In contrast to this, Western parents think more about “extremely anxious about their children's self-esteem”, in such a way that they prioritize how their approach to their c...
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