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Literature & Language
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Statement Goals and Choices Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:



I still need a short conclusion of how do you write about the essay. Your main idea, thesis statement, and Why do you choice this kind of audiences?

The statement discusses and analyzes the work you did for the final project, talking about who your audience is, why they are the chosen audience, and how you are persuading them, rhetorically and technically.

Just a short paragraph is fine. I need It soon.

Please using a stakeholder from the mapping essay-one of the stakeholder that disagree, indifferent, or unaware of the topic/stance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Statement Goals and Choices
Social media is one of the greatest aspects that we do have in our lives. There are different people who have different perceptions on the different uses of social media and social media is a great tool used for learning by college students. In my project, I chose to persuade the parents so that they can change their perception on the use of social media by the children. I have drawn the findings from the various research that I did online to come up with the ways in which the children are using social media to learn so that the parents can become convinced that indeed their children are learning on social media and not wasting their precious time. Therefore, the goals of the project was to convince the parents on the significance of social media and why they should let their children to spend time on social media and avoid rebuking them every time that they see their children social media.
When I was carrying out the project, I made a number of choices that affected the different perceptions that I was having about the project. To begin with, I had a number of topics that I would focus on. I had three topics in mind. The topics were; the influence of technological advances on human interaction, Use of artificial intelligence in learning and the influence of social media on reading patterns of college students. After carefully analyzing the topics, I chose the third one since it is one of the issues that is debated by the stakeholders. Research has also been carried out on the ways in which social media influences the ways in which social media influences the learning process. Choosing the topic would play a great role on weighing in on the conversation and changing the view of the parents towards the social media. In addition, one of the greatest issues that most parents have with their children is the use of social media. There is a misunderstanding between parents and their children on social media. Parents only view social media as a waste of time since most of them were not brought up in the social media era while the youth on the other hand view it as a great tool that can be used to change our lives. In my paper, I acted as an intermediary to narrow the misunderstanding.
Another choice that I made was about the audience that I would target through my research. Social media and education has a number of stakeholders who have different perceptions on the topic. The ones who oppose the use of social media are the academic institutions, the government and the parents themselves. I had to come up with only one stakeholder and I intended to use the academic institutions and use different ways of persuading them. However, along the way, I realized that the academic institutions are not greatly affected by the children using social media but rather it is the parents. In the 21st century, parents are the one who are tasked with taking care of their children. One of the ways that they do this is by paying their fees so that they can study, making sure that they have all the equipment necessary for their study and following up o make sure that the children have done their best in their education. I realized that indeed my primary target audience should be the parents and not the academic institutions that I had previously chosen. ...
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