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Reflection: My Life in United States

Essay Instructions:

Write a freshman student after three months of study and life in the United States - reflective essay, using at least four pictures to enhance writing.

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My Life in the United States
-57150549275Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Students after a lecture in the United StatesFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Students after a lecture in the United StatesLiving in the United States has been one of my best experiences have ever had in life. It’s now three months since I moved here to do my university education and everything has just been nice. I thought it would be a challenge in adjusting to the academic, social and cultural challenges of living and studying in the United States but it was never that way. I adjusted so fast and everything seems good right now. It’s been an overwhelmingly positive experience of just attending classes, hang out and do fun stuff which I enjoy most.
During the weekends, I attend night parties at clubs and have fun with my friends. Here, life is out of normality a bit. There are no parents to ask questions or restrict one from hanging out with friends. For those three months, life has been different with new friends in it. At first I thought it would be difficult for me to live without my family.
-123825-368935Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Students clubbing during weekendsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Students clubbing during weekendsWhen I moved the United States, I went back home after a month and still found my family still there, this gave me a motivation that even if I leave, the people who matter to me most will still
be there till the next time I will come back. Now I have stayed for two months without going home and am still fine.
Studying in the United States has enabled me to discover myself and the things I am capable of doing. At home my mother would cook, clean the dishes and sometimes wash my clothes. Here I have to do laundry, buy the daily necessities, clean our room and know what to eat. Am also not used to sharing bedroom with someone but here am sharing a room with another roommate who I took a month to learn how to leave with. The food served in the dormitory is never my favorite but I have no option than to learn to eat it. My roommate who was born and brought up in United States has really helped me to learn their diet and any other cultures.
At home, public transport is not common; families own their private cars which they use. Here in the States people mostly use public transport. There are buses for taking people to the cities for shopping or anywhere you need to go. Majority of students own bicycles for coming to school -39052528829000-3905253764915Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: Students riding bicycles to att...
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