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The Odyssey and Othello

Essay Instructions:
  1. 1.     These are the opening lines of the epic poem:


Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns …

driven time and again off course, once he had plundered

the hallowed heights of Troy.


Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds,

many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea,

fighting to save his life and bring his comrades home.

But he could not save them from disaster, hard as he strove—

the recklessness of their own ways destroyed them all,

the blind fools, they devoured the cattle of the Sun

and the Sun god blotted out the day of their return.

Launch out on his story, Muse, daughter of Zeus,

start from where you will—sing for our time too.



The opening of the Odyssey are a microcosm of the plot and central themes of the Odyssey. In particular they characterize a journey of a certain kind.


Discuss in the following order:

  1. a.     the literal or physical aspect/meaning of this journey
  2. b.     the figurative or psychological aspect/meaning of the journey


(As you address the 2 aspects of the journey, you must site examples from the text in order to reinforce and illustrate the various components.)


Make sure to include this in this analysis the following:

  1. establish the central components of the literal aspect of the journey first. What are they?
    1. Components: A journey has a starting point, a destination or goal, a means of getting there, a certain path or course, progress and set backs. Make sure to discuss these things.
    2. Make sure analyze the parallel figurative meaning of each element of the literal journey.
    3. Make sure to discuss:
      1.                            i.          the role of human nature, body and soul, as part of the 2 aspects of the journey
        1.                                                     i.     As a human being Odysseus is a “man of twists and turns,” or “andra polytropos”. What do these words mean? What are the qualities of this kind of man? What do these qualities have to do with the journey?







  1. 2.     This question deals with Iago’s plot, nature and motives. Make sure to cite the text to support your claims.
    1. a.     What is Iago’s full plot? What are its means and ends?
      1.                                                     i.     At 1.1.60 he speaks of his plot as his “peculiar end” and later says, “There are many events in the womb of time, which will be delivered”(1.3.370-71). What are these events?
      2.                                                   ii.     Meanwhile at 1.3.403 he says his plot is a “monstrous birth” which he must bring “to the world’s light.” What is this “monstrous birth” and why does he call it that?


  1. b.     What kind of person is Iago?


  1.                                                     i.     Explain what Iago is talking about here and how it relates to his nature:


But seeming so, for my peculiar end,

For when my outward action doth demonstrate

The native act and figure of my heart.

In complement extern, ‘tis not long after

But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve

For daws to peck at. I am not what I am.

-        Iago 1.1.60-4

  1. c.      What is the true nature of Iago’s motives for his plot? What do you think makes this man tick? What parts of the soul do you think he might be motivated by, reason, spirit or appetite?
    1.                                                   ii.     What are Iago’s motives for his plot including those explicitly stated and implied in word and deed? (some examples: 1.1.7-64; 1.3.381-403; 2.1.293-310; 5.2.300-1)
    2.                                                 iii.     When Othello asks him why he has done what he has done, Iago says “Demand me nothing. What you know, you know. From this time forth I never will speak a word.” What does he mean by this? What do you think he is really saying?











Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Odyssey and Othello
In the poem's opening lines, there is a reference to a journey. The journey here is one embarked on by Odysseus from Troy to his homeland of Ithaca. Odysseus comes from war with the Trojans when he encounters various obstacles and temptations that attempt to keep him from reaching home. During this period, people had mastered sailing. Therefore, Odysseus was traveling back to Ithaca aboard one of the ships in his fleet. One of the obstacles in Odysseus' way is the god Poseidon. Even though all the other gods sympathize with Odysseus, Poseidon does not (Homer et al. 399). Therefore, he plots against him throughout the journey. Odysseus and his men also succumb to various temptations and reckless behaviors that keep them off course throughout the journey.
Although the Odyssey is a poem about a king embarking on a journey, figuratively, it refers to a journey that the individual takes in life. Odysseus' journey from Troy to his homeland of Ithaca represents the various goals that people set for themselves in life. Also, Odysseus' journey has an added meaning. As he seeks to move from Troy to Ithaca, there is a contrast between public and private life. In Troy, Odysseus has achieved many things by winning battles for the glory of Greece (Homer et al. 24). However, when he returns to everyday bureaucratic leadership. This shift represents the ongoing conflict in every individual seeking glory in the public image or living a quiet private life. It is a hard choice to make, hence, the many temptations and reckless behaviors that one often ends up being involved in. For instance, the allure of easy money and additional trappings may compel one to compete for a political position instead of seeking a quiet life in the countryside. Yet, it is not only temptation and reckless behavior that sometimes keeps one from achieving their goals. As seen in the Odyssey, Poseidon did not want Odysseus to achieve his goal because he was aggrieved. Therefore, he wrecks Odysseus' ship (Homer et al. 399). Poseidon, in this case, represents the vengeful people in life who often keep others from achieving their goals. These people represent the cruel side of life that keeps one from achieving their goals.
As noted in the poem's opening lines, the main character is a...
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