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Misogynistic Culture in A Thousand And One Nights.

Essay Instructions:

Response due 10/22

Instructions: Choose one of those three options and make a written response (150-200 word preferably, excluding your quotation). The deadline is 8:00 AM, 22nd October. No late submissions accepted.

Option 1: In the lecture, Professor Bonner talked about how he disagreed with the idea of reading stories in the Nights as the representation of the misogynistic culture. Do you agree with him or disagree? How do you make sense of the misogynistic elements, if there is any, in those stories? Please use at least one example/character/scene from the book to elaborate on this issue.

Option 2: Consider the concept Orientalism. How are the oriental/exotic people and culture represented in the Nights? How are those representations different from western tradition and in what way do they side with or against your preconceptions towards the oriental world?

Option 3: Come up with your own prompts (regarding the reading text, for this time specifically The Thousand and One Night) and answer them.

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Misogynistic Culture in A Thousand And One Nights
I think that the idea of reading stories at night is an example of the misogynistic culture. In the text a thousand and one nights, the idea of reading stories at night is brought out as a result of the hatred that Shahryar develops after his wife cheats on him. He views women as bad people who do not deserve his respect. As a result, he begins to marry virgins and then execute them in the morning. This is an inhuman act and given the fact that Shahryar is willing to kill the other women as a sign of revenge to the lost love that he had for his wife, then the misogynistic culture is a common ide...
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