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How did the Mesopotamian Civilization Emerge: Promoted Technologies

Essay Instructions:

Richard W. Bulliet, et al., The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Fourth Edition. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007), http://www(dot)scuc(dot)txed(dot)net/webpages/cbaker/ap_world_history.cfm?subpage=28526
(Links to an external site.)
* Answer three of the questions posed at the beginning (and end) of chapter 1 in at least four to six sentences for each response.
* Pose two questions about chapter 1 and then answer them in at least four to six sentences.
*Research an image related to chapter 1, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences. Image can't be found through Wiki or Baidu, should be found through professional websites or articles. And, you must explain!!

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December 9, 2016
How did the Mesopotamian civilization emerge, and what technologies promoted its advancement?
The Mesopotamian Civilization emerged mainly because of the environmental conditions that helped its later regions – which later becomes the Mesopotamian civilization – flourish and grow. More particularly, these important environmental condition is their geological location, which is between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Being in between these two rivers, the land became significantly fertile and viable to support agriculture. Some of the technologies that promoted its advancement were the wheel (and the chariot), domestication of animals, sailboats, and irrigation.
What role did the environment and religion play in the evolution of the Egyptian civilization?
The environment played a very important role in the evolution of the Egyptian civilization through the Nile River. Without the Nile river, supporting a civilization would be very difficult if not impossible, because it is also a source of food, transportation, and other commodities and services. Religion also played an important aspect of the Egyptian civilization because it served as their way of life. Religion became the reference for every aspect of their lives and without it, order wouldn’t have been a thing during those times.
What does the material evidence tell us about the nature of the Indus valley civilization, and what is the most likely evidence for its collapse?
Material evidences in from the Indus Valley civilization tells us that it was once a flourishing city, but still it collapsed due to environmental stressors. This assertion is because of the fact that the city was once encircled by thick and high walls made of brick, with streets laid out in an orderly manner (rectangular grid), and drainpipes properly placed to carry out waste. However, it is also believed its collapse was because of environmental stressors which made living less and less possible. This possibility can be seen from archaeological evidence that the ...
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