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Early Chinese: Religion to Justify and Strengthen Power

Essay Instructions:

Read: Richard W. Bulliet, et al., The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Fourth Edition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007), http://www(dot)scuc(dot)txed(dot)net/webpages/cbaker/ap_world_history.cfm?subpage=28526
(Links to an external site.)
Answer three of the questions posed at the beginning (and end) of chapter 1 in at least four to six sentences for each response.
Pose two questions about chapter 1 and then answer them in at least four to six sentences.
(Research an image related to chapter 1, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences.)***Image can't be found through Wiki or Baidu, should be found through professional websites or articles. And, you must explain!!
Those are requirements, 6 paragraphs.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 2
1 How did early Chinese rulers use religion to justify and strengthen their power?
Throughout history, powerful rulers have incorporated religion to strengthen their positions. Chinese Shang rulers also acted as the intermediaries between their kingdoms and protective ancestors and gods. They used bronze vessels to make offerings to their gods and ancestral spirits and powerful families in the kingdom were buried in good tombs with a belief that they will serve them in the afterlife. The concept of the ruler being a divine Son of Heaven and should rule according to the Mandate of Heaven was developed by the Zhou successors.
2 How did the technological and cultural influences of Egypt affect the formation of Nubia?
The formation of Nubia was due to its interactions with more complex and technologically advanced civilizations in Egypt. Through its history, Nubia engaged with Egypt in where the Egyptians appeared to dominate and be in control of the gold trade. During the New Kingdom era, the Egyptians imposed their culture on the native society and its models became influenced the Nubian architecture. After the Egyptian Kingdom fell swiftly on Meroe, Nubia took control of Egypt for half a century. Although they retained their Nubian names, they imitated Egyptian ruling style and its culture.
3 What role did nature and the environment play in the development of early civilizations in the Americas?
The development of the Americas civilization was largely influenced by the geographical nature of the land. Its terrain influenced the settlement and where farming was to be done and its climate was also productive and supported crop farming in the area. The area was also protected by the coastal regions and the rug...
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