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Cosmopolitan Civilization: Middle East & Late Bronze Age

Essay Instructions:

Richard W. Bulliet, et al., The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Fourth Edition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007), http://www(dot)scuc(dot)txed(dot)net/webpages/cbaker/ap_world_history.cfm?subpage=28526
(Links to an external site.)
Answer three of the questions posed at the beginning (and end) of chapter 3 in at least four to six sentences for each response.
Pose two questions about chapter 3 and then answer them in at least four to six sentences.
Research an image related to chapter 3, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences.
The end product should be at least six paragraphs, around two to three pages in length

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 3
1 How did the cosmopolitan civilization develop in the Middle East during the Late Bronze Age, and what forms did it take?
New powers and cultural transformations emerged during the Late Bronze Age. The Mesopotamian culture is the one that expanded rapidly during this age through the expansion of the Assyrian and Hittite. Egypt succeeded in diversifying its culture beyond its borders and in expelling the Hyksos. This expansion period happened the time of the Battle of Kadesh against the Hittites. Political and religious movements were formed after Hatshepsut and Akenaten was challenged leading to local wars after their deaths.
2 What civilizations emerged in the Agean world, and what relationship did they have to the older civilizations to the east?
During this era, the new means of transport and trade goods strengthened trade and communication, both in short and long distances. New civilizations emerged during this era as a result of the new developments. The first society to be created was the Minoan Crete, which was as a result of overseas trade that led to the innovation of new architecture and art. This society was popular among the Mycenaeans whose kingdom dominated the southern Greece. The Mycenaeans continued with their trade and piracy activities with the older traditions and their dictatorial characteristic contributed to the Homeric legends. This civilization diversified quickly beyond its traditional boundaries and Greece ushered in the Dark Age. These complex societies established writing systems that they used to communicate.
3 How did the Assyrian Empire rise to power and eventually dominate most of the ancient Middle East?
After the children of Israel sealed a covenant with God and entered Canaan, their conflicts with the Philistines triggered the monarchy which was fully achieved under King Solomon. During this e...
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