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How did the Persian Empire Rise from its Iranian Homeland

Essay Instructions:

Richard W. Bulliet, et al., The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Fourth Edition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007), http://www(dot)scuc(dot)txed(dot)net/webpages/cbaker/ap_world_history.cfm?subpage=28526
(Links to an external site.)
Answer three of the questions posed at the beginning (and end) of chapter 4 in at least four to six sentences for each response.
Pose two questions about chapter 4 and then answer them in at least four to six sentences.
Research an image related to chapter 4, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences. 
image related to chapter 4, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences. Image can't be found through Wiki or Baidu, should be found through professional websites or articles. And, you must explain!!
The end product should be at least six paragraphs, around two to three pages in length.
image related to chapter 4, include a link to it, and explain what it is and what it tells us about the time and place that it comes from in at least four to six sentences. Image can't be found through Wiki or Baidu, should be found through professional websites or articles. And, you must explain!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 4
1 How did the Persian Empire rise from its Iranian homeland and spread to encompass diverse cultures?
Like the Greeks, the Iranians also overcame barriers such as rugged mountains, arid areas and other extreme barriers to expand their territories. They took over the Medes, which was the first Iranian community to enjoy the dominance in the society. After blending with each other, they conquered other communities under the leadership of Cyrus and his successors. Under Darius I, a governmental structure was established that helped the empire to achieve its territorial expansion goals. Also, the extensive road system and the imperial ideology that was broadcasted through the art and architecture strengthened the empire. The emperors followed Zoroastrianism, which was a monotheistic religion that led to Judaism and Christianity.
2 How did Greek civilization evolve and spread beyond its original territories?
During the Dark Age, a new civilization that centered on polis emerged (the Greek civilization). Its culture was spread by overtaking other oversea territories in the Mediterranean world. The Greeks managed to differentiate itself from barbarians in both its homeland and oversea colonies, in the process it adopted from technologies that it learned from its colonies. Most of the states started practicing democracy where Athens emerged to be the preeminent democracy and the center for innovation. It was in this process that a new unique military was developed.
3 How did the Persian Wars and their aftermath effect the politics and culture of ancient Greece?
During the Persian Wars, the Greeks and Persians clashed but Athens and Sparta managed to resist the Persian, which led Athens to be an imperial power. Being a trade leader, Athens made major achievements in arc...
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