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Marina Abramovic: Showcasing Her Artstyle

Essay Instructions:

DRAMA 15 Final Essay Prompt

● The essay should be 2 pages long (double-spaced), around 500 to 600 words.

● The essay will be due by 11:59 pm (midnight) PST on Wednesday, March 16 (finals week).

● The essay will be on an artist or a performance discussed in class and use at least 10 terms learned from the book, other readings, or discussions during class.

● This final essay will count for 10% of the student’s final grade.

● In regard to the citation style, MLA is recommended but not mandatory. You can use whichever style as long as the quotes and references are properly cited (with a list of works cited at the end of your essay).

● Some of the artists we discussed in class (selected, not a complete list): Jan Lauwers (Belgium), Romeo Castellucci, Guy Cassiers (Flemish – Belgium, Netherlands), Ong Keng Sen, Thomas Ostermeier (Germany), Robert Wilson (USA), Katie Mitchell (UK), Ron Athey (USA), Stelarc (Australia), Marina Abramovic (Serbia), Josef Nadj (France), Forced Entertainment (UK)

● Some of the terms we discussed in class (selected, not a complete list): nodals, noodling, intermediality, embodied simulation, Ah-ha! moment, energy storm, headspace, imagined community, motored consciousness, paused consciousness, quotidian consciousness, reflexive consciousness, objecthood, subjectivity, mimicry…

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Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic is a Serbian writer, filmmaker, performing artist, and philanthropist, born on November 30, 1946, in Belgrade, Serbia. She had an interest in art since childhood, and she enjoyed painting. In 1965, she joined the Academy of Fine Arts to study painting, but her reflexive consciousness led her into performance art. She was specifically interested in using her body to showcase art and spirituality. She enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia, earning a post-graduate degree. She then went back to Serbia, where she was a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts at Novi Sad from 1973 to 1975.
While teaching at Novi Sad, she explored and implemented her first solo performances. She is known for her exceptional body style to display art. Her famous works include Rhythm Series, Works with Ulay, Cleaning the Mirror, Spirit Cooking, Balkan Baroque, Seven Easy Pieces, and The Artist Is Present. In Rhythm 10, she stabbed herself twenty times and tried to replicate the stabbing’s pain and sounds (Simoes and Passos). She believed that once you are in the right headspace during a performance, you can push your mind and body to achieve extraordinary things.
In Rhythm 5, her subjectivity led her to perform using a petroleum-drenched star that she lit on fire. Her motored consciousness guided her to push her body to endure smoke from the fire and low oxygen. She lost consciousness because of inadequate ...
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