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What the Poem "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman Portrays

Essay Instructions:

ENG 220

American Literature


Length: 1000 words

Format: MLA format.

Note 1: Papers can be submitted only in the following formats:

• Word document


• Rich Text

Note 2: Essays will not be accepted without a Works Cited page.

Late assignment policy:

• Late essays must be twice as long.

Academic integrity:

• You are not required to do outside research for this essay.

• If you do consult outside sources, these must be adequately documented. This includes (but is not limited to):

o Both in-text and Works Cited documentation.

o Citations for quotes, paraphrases, and ideas that you got from another source.

• Papers that are not adequately documented automatically earn an F.


• Choose ONE of the following poems. Each poem paints a portrait of America. To what extent is the picture of your poem an accurate view of the country? To answer this question, you will need to establish what the portrait is and why it is or isn't valid.

o Phyllis Wheatley, "On Being Brought from Africa to America."

o Walt Whitman, "I Hear America Singing."

o Langston Hughes, "Let America Be America Again."

o e.e. cummings, "Next to of course god America I."

o Tato Riviera, “AmeRícan”

o Amanda Gorman, "The Hill We Climb."

• David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross depicts the dog-eat-dog world of the American workplace. Evaluate this cutthroat environment. Using the play/film as a basis for your analysis, is the American Dream the cause of the harsh conditions faced by the salesmen? Why or why not? Should we consider this a negative side of the American Dream? Why or why not?

• In Amy Tan's "Two Kinds," the mother (Suyuan) and daughter (Jing-mei) have different versions of the American Dream. What are their versions? Is one's American Dream better than the other? Why or why not?

o NOTE 1: Your paper should have a clear argument that runs throughout. Each point that you make should be related to this argument.

o NOTE 2: Remember to use (and explain!) quotes from the readings/films. Engage in a dialogue with the texts.

please this document I will like in MLA also word document is okay my favorite topics is about Walt Whitman, "I Hear America Singing" but you came choose another one from the professor instructions I send in this notes

Essay Sample Content Preview:
I Hear America Singing by Walt Whitman
Various poetic expressions are symbolically or metaphorically seen as a representation of the state of a country, nation, or individual. This may be through critics’ exhortation and upraise of the target group. Walt Whiteman’s poem, I Hear America Singing, is close to the portrait of the United States of America’s milestone development (O’Neil 351). The poem tries to explain the nationality and the sovereignty of the Americans through the independence they claim to have acquired. He uses the voices of various occupations like woodwork, carpenter, mechanic, and boatman to indicate the already gained freedom (O’Neil 352). The voices presented indicate the citizens’ freedom in their work endeavors as they freely work out one in their field.
The poem portrays the development of the United States due to the civilization and availability of different occupations (Chevrier-Bosseau). He used a respectful tone in his presentation and dramatically appreciated the different voices produced everywhere as they worked. The poem decocts a proud tone and a sense of ownership in national development as a critical factor. He tries to explain that every person has a voice and role in their endeavors. It seems to be an excellent development for the past 19th Century struggles (O’Neil 353). The poem also shows us that America had had a stiff economic struggle, unlike now when the various groups can happily employ themselves. In appreciation of this development and as a good patriot, Walt Whiteman uses the various sounds to indicate the welcoming country’s development and independence of the workers (Chevrier-Bosseau). Due to the independence of each worker to stand on their own as they work, it is a clear indication that the nation currently embraces freedom and growth as a core value of any nation.
Growth is a clear theme presented in this poem. The possibility of every person having a voice in their occupations indicates an excellent appreciation of growth (Chevrier-Bosseau). The joyful voices produced in the workplaces explain this in detail. Previously, we can agree that the current voices were not anywhere to be heard. In agreement with this poem, it is clear that there is currently vast occupation growth and business freedom in the United States. The nation has had economic growth in the national infrastructure and the per capita growth. Growth is always measured by the economic satisfaction of the country’s economy to its founding citizens (O’Neil 353). It is clear enough that this is unwavering evidence of the United States. In recent years, economic satisfaction has been seen as satisfying and protective as far as citizens’ economic control is concerned.
Freedom of expression and having a voice of expression in your occupation area are factors indicating steady national independence. From the poem, we see the portrayed freedom the workers enjoy in their jobs (John 179). The different voices in the poem are the freedom of expression by the workers. Having a voice that is freely expressed indicates the freedom that is subjective to the independence of every citizen. In time past, the poem shows there was constrained freedom of expression and that the citizens were limited, especially in their vocal expression. America has allowed for the freedom of expression to its citizens using various avenues of communication (John 178). This is basically of democracy in practice. When the citizens can freely air out their voices unconstrained, it is an expression of independence and freedom enjoyed by them.
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