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The Power of Negotiation in Leadership

Essay Instructions:

For each journal assignment, you must read all the discussion posts created by your classmates only for Weeks 5-7. After reflecting upon what they said, select one of your classmate's responses that you found interesting and informative so that you can discuss the following question:

After reading what your selected classmate posted for the past few weeks, what one new leadership lesson have you learned that can make you a more effective communicator in your interactions with others? Be sure to identify the classmate who inspired your response!

Good writing combines the quality of well-written ideas with technical fluency. Good writing should also be clear and concise. The writing assignments in this course were created so that outside sources would not be necessary; it is your ideas and insights I am interested in reading!

The five-paragraph format will keep your writing focused and easy to follow. Here’s how it works:

Paragraph #1: Introduction

What is the one main idea you are trying to present? It is always appropriate to begin your writing with one or two lines that outline “where you are going”. If you want to begin the introduction with your main idea right away, that is also acceptable. What is most important about the introductory paragraph is that you stay focused and present one idea to your reader.

Paragraph #2 Body

Paragraph #3 Body

Paragraph #4 Body

Paragraphs #2 - #4 each make one additional point that acts as support for the main idea presented in Paragraph #1. Offer relevant details and/or evidence for that one additional point only. When you have finished providing relevant details for that one point, move onto the next supporting paragraph, and provide details for that point only.

Paragraph #5 Conclusion

The conclusion of your writing provides a review of the main points made and an appropriate “wrap up” to the writing. New information or new ideas are not included in a conclusion.

For some of the assignments in this course, you might not feel the need to include five paragraphs. You will always have Paragraph #1 and Paragraph #5, but if you believe you have successfully made your point by providing fewer than three paragraphs of supporting information, make a leadership decision and submit the assignment.  


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Leadership Lesson: Power of Negotiation
Lee's post inspired my response. He gave his account when he was a military officer and a leader in Korea. Lee faced a conflict between the seniors, almost leaving the forces to be civilians and the junior officers. The conflict needed negotiation to ensure everything went well and was resolved. Lee's post made me reflect on the power of negotiation as a leader and how it makes one an effective communicator. Negotiation means we can discuss terms to resolve a conflict and agree as opposing parties to a single solution that better serves the two sides. It creates good relations among parties and reduces conflict. To ensure a successful negotiation, the leader needs strategy and an understanding of the negotiation process.
Negotiation is critical in leadership because it fosters a good relationship between the juniors and the seniors through better communication. In most cases, leaders view themselves as all-knowing, and their commands should be final (Zohar 543). It is even worse in military environments because they are trained to be hardy and resilient when facing challenging situations. However, Lee's post shows how negotiation is crucial in all leadership platforms, including the military. It is common for seniors to disregard their duties, knowing that they will be civilians soon, leaving the juniors overwhelmed with responsibilities. This creates a conflict that can easily be negotiated to ensure the juniors handle their responsibilities comfortably. In this case, negotiations would create a good relationship between the seniors, Lee, and the junior officers.
Negotiation is a communication process that reduces conflicts. Negotiation ensures that a conflict does not occur by taking action to curb it in the early stages. When people negotiate, they arrive at a standard soluti...
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