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Robert Wilson Versatile Range of Styles

Essay Instructions:

DRAMA 15 Final Essay Prompt ● The essay should be 2 pages long (double-spaced), around 500 to 600 words. ● The essay will be due by 11:59 pm (midnight) PST on Wednesday, March 16 (finals week). ● The essay will be on an artist or a performance discussed in class and use at least 10 terms learned from the book, other readings, or discussions during class. ● This final essay will count for 10% of the student’s final grade. ● In regard to the citation style, MLA is recommended but not mandatory. You can use whichever style as long as the quotes and references are properly cited (with a list of works cited at the end of your essay). ● Some of the artists we discussed in class (selected, not a complete list): Jan Lauwers (Belgium), Romeo Castellucci, Guy Cassiers (Flemish – Belgium, Netherlands), Ong Keng Sen, Thomas Ostermeier (Germany), Robert Wilson (USA), Katie Mitchell (UK), Ron Athey (USA), Stelarc (Australia), Marina Abramovic (Serbia), Josef Nadj (France), Forced Entertainment (UK) ● Some of the terms we discussed in class (selected, not a complete list): nodals, noodling, intermediality, embodied simulation, Ah-ha! moment, energy storm, headspace, imagined community, motored consciousness, paused consciousness, quotidian consciousness, reflexive consciousness, objecthood, subjectivity, mimicry…

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Robert Wilson
Robert Wilson is an American artist known for his trendsetting theatre works. On October 4, 1941, he was born in Texas, then moved to New York City to follow his dream as an artist. Apart from being a stage director, producer, and playwright, he has also worked as a choreographer, video artist, painter, sculptor, performer, and sound and lighting designer. His career is passion-driven, noting that he dropped out of business school at the University of Texas to follow his reflexive consciousness in pursuing arts. In 1966, he started an experimental theatre company called Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds. He named the performance company in honor of Bird Hoffman, an instructor who helped him overcome stuttering as a teenager. Robert operated the group from his loft in Soho, Manhattan, gaining popularity among the New York art-lovers. His work was recognized among artists for its intermediality due to his subjectivity towards incorporating light in his art. He innovatively used lighting, sound, and space to bring the best out of his art pieces. By the early 70s, his work had gained popularity all over Europe.
Wilson had a versatile range of styles from classic operas to monologues and Noh plays which he used depending on his headspace. His performance company enabled him to direct some significant works such as The King of Spain and The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin. His energy storm led him to work with other artists from the early 1970s. In 1976, he collaborated with composer Philip Glass and Lucinda Childs, a choreographer, to create Einstein on the Beach. His ah-ha! moment happened after the collaboration with Philip and Lucinda, which earned the artist...
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