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Love and anger as essential factors in personal growth and maturity

Essay Instructions:

I have to hand in an literary essay where I have to offer, argue and give evidence of my interpretation of the book regarding a topic.I am proving the thesis statement, it has to be debatable. It has to have meaningful quotes from the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian is a 2007 novel for young adults written by Sherman Alexie

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Love and anger as essential factors in personal growth and maturity
Love and anger are the most essential things in a personal growth to maturity. Love gives us the knowledge and will to appreciate those who are important and have meaning in our lives, while hate makes us be in a position to discern the things that are likeable and the things that are not likable. Love and angers helps in the identity of the being. Arnold Spirit in this book has people whom he loves; his family, friends and have a list of the things he hates. He has already identified himself in his early age; the things he appreciates in life and those that do not impact on his being and clearly defined to him. By understanding the personality in him he learns to handle the things he loves and the things he does not. Alex supports the idea of personal identification by stating in his book, “Life is basically a consistent struggle between existing as a community member and as an individualCITATION She07 \p "P, 32" \l 1033 (Alexie P, 32).” This shows that being an individual is one thing and being part of the community is another hence by being part of the community you learn to accept what is around you. This shows that love and anger are essential things in personal growth and maturity.
By being brought up in the reservation where most people living there are Indians, they are deemed poor and they have schools in the reservation that they are supposed attend to. Funny enough, Arnold does not go to Indian schools, he decided to migrate from an all Indian school to all-white students schools. What angered him most with the reservation school was that the books that were still being used there were the same ones that were used by his parents.
He was angered by the fact that being poor made them to be in a position that they cannot even purchase new books for the current generation. Alex portrays this by stating, “My school and my tribe are so poor and sad that having to study from the same dang books our parents studied fromCITATION She07 \p "P, 24" \l 1033 (Alexie P, 24).” Alex supplements his stated by again stating that, “Poverty doesn't give you strength or teach you lessons about perseverance. No, poverty only teaches you how to be poorCITATION She07 \p "P, 186" \l 1033 (Alexie P, 186).” This is because of the fact that his fellow Indians did not learn from their circumstances to change it through perseverance, but they only learned to accept what they have without adding any value to it. His community accepts the status quo, and they are satisfied with who they are and what they did no matter how they are perceived in the society.
Through anger, Arnold was able to go to the school he wanted school; this is after he was suspended from the Indian school located at the reservation. It is evident that it is anger that made Junior's teacher Mr. P to see that Junior had the potential but the school he was in was did not favor his capabilities. Mr. P saw the school as detrimental to his dreams and hopes. His anger made him hit his teacher with a book. He could not control his anger that much. In the book he acted to this by smashing his teacher with a book. And he is quoted saying, “After all, I wanted to hit something when I threw that ancient book. But I didn't want to hit somebody, and I certainly didn't plan on breaking the nose of a mafioso math teacherCITATION She07 \p "P, 26" \l 1033 (Alexie P, 26).”
Fear and anger create aggression, and aggression against citizens of different ethnicity or race creates racism and, in turn, new forms of terrorism. Junior had already started experiencing aggression against people (whites) who made them feel inferior. While talking to Mr. P, he had a thought crossing his mind supporting this argument. CITATION She07 \p "P, 35" \l 1033 (Alexie P, 35) Indicates this as a subconscious mind of Junior, “I was carrying the burden of my race, you kno...
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