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My Writing Process

Essay Instructions:

Write a five-paragraph essay, about 2-3 pages long, typed and double-spaced. This essay should analyze the process you use to write (if you\'d like to write more than five paragraphs, do—five is only a minimum). In the body of the essay, you will break down your writing process into its component steps. Discuss each step of your writing process in the same order as each is listed in the thesis, that is, chronologically. Organize the three or so paragraphs of the body of the essay so that each paragraph discusses two or three steps. These paragraphs should be interesting to read and have a clear direction. These paragraphs should be a minimum of 5-6 sentences. Conclusion: This is the most important paragraph in the essay because here you will tell the reader what you plan to do with the knowledge you\'ve gained through this process analysis. Begin with a reference to your thesis and then go on to reflect on how well your writing process serves you—whether you consider it to be successful or not and whether there are specific steps that might be changed. Try to think of a specific way to improve. Level of Formality Parts of this essay may be humorous, but do not rely on slang or colloquial language for the humor. Instead, continue to strive to use a formal level of language. One last note: It is perfectly acceptable to use the word \"I\" since this is a paper about you personally.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
My Writing Process
I hold the opinion that writing is important in all our daily activities. At this stage of life, I employ writing while going through my academic work. In the future, I will be writing at my work place. The process of writing is rather involving because it combines our thinking skills as well as the ability to put what we think in black and white. This document aims to take you through the steps I normally take to ensure that my work is the finest article. This includes brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and sharing.
The first thing I habitually do before I start writing is brainstorming. Brainstorming involves putting together what I intend to write. In doing this I always, go through the pictures on my mind as well as all the ideas that relate to what am to write on. In the course of brainstorming, I occasionally bring in the audience to whom my message is meant. Supplementary to that, I always bring in the reason as to why I am writing the document. The second step I carry out while writing is drafting. This involves putting my ideas in black and white and in the order in which they are to appear on my article. In this step, I also ensure that the aspect of my audience is always finalized. In addition, I normally ensure that the purpose of my document is clear. Though debatable, I consider this step important in ensuring that my message reaches the audience.
The third activity I always do when writing is revising. In this step, I always give my...
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