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Adlerian Analysis of Balconville

Essay Instructions:

Balconville is a play written by David Fenelon. It can be analysed through an Adlerian Inferiority complex theory. I have notes on this approach as well as the 3 sources required. 3. Provide an Adlerian analysis of a character in David Fennario’s Balconville. Things to consider: - What are the causes of this character’s inferiority complex? - How does he compensate or over-compensate for this feeling of inferiority? - Does this character have a fictional final goal? If so, is it a healthy or underdeveloped one? - Does the character’s behaviour include an element of masculine protest? Explain. - Does the character have a secondary inferiority feeling? (not all of these questions need to answered)

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In the study of psychoanalysis, Alfred Adler came up with the theory of inferiority complex to analyze personality development personality. To Adler all human beings have some form of inferiority, but how they deal with the inferiority complex motivates them to overcome their inadequacy and develop skills and talents (NASAP 2011). However, inferiority complex sets in when there are excessive feelings of inadequacy and feelings of weakness. To elaborate on the theory Adler used the scenario of a child who feels inadequate and seeks to emulate the adults. Thus, people set goals from child hood and seek to achieve them depending on their personality and experiences. The motivating factor behind people’s behavior makes people strive for perfection. In the theory, the stress is a prominent factor that determines people’s social interactions, and being more outgoing reduces the feelings of inadequacy and inferiority.
Balconville is a microcosm of the life of working class families in Montreal and the interaction between English and French speaking Canadians (Reid 295). The theory of inferiority complex captures the lives of the characters who struggle to achieve their dreams in later life. The focus on both the Anglophone and Francophone in the play seeks to illustrate communication break down brought about by language barrier. The area of Ponte is unique in that there is a higher population of French speaking people than the country in general. Those who have little knowledge of French find it difficult to communicate. This seeks to show that inferiority complex can be overcome with great effort, as is the understanding of French speech among the Anglophone population. According to Fennario as reported by Reid (295), the use of swear words in the play is a representation of working class bitterness, which is typical of the ghettoized neighborhoods of Montreal. This paper highlights on the application of Adlerian inferiority complex theory on Tom Williams a character in David Fennario’s Balconville.
The major cause of inferiority complex for Tom Williams is poverty all around him. The working class neighbor is reminiscent of a slum in Canada, and the economic stagnation of the place leads to feelings of inadequacy among the inhabitants. Even though, being born in poverty does not necessarily lead to inferiority complex, it is a precursor when not properly managed. Tom Williams has seen his mother Muriel Williams, suffer all along and he borrows bus fare money from the mother in the beginning of the play. This goes to show that rather than think of a way to improve the family’s economic situation he depends on his mother in his early adulthood. Tom has internalized the notion that the family cannot many things and this equates to inadequacy in life resulting in inferiority complex.
Another cause of Tom’s inferiority is the absence of his father as he grew up. Even though, he knew the father well, he was someone who played only a minor role in his life. Additionally, the father was philandering, and only Tom’s mother took an active role in his life. Thus, Tom has a form of insecurity caused by an absentee, and he is attached to the mother so much. In the 70’s the father was expect...
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