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Arturo Bandini Character Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Character Develpment essay on \"Ask the Dust\"by John Fante ---Essay Requirements is Attached regular essay on character development ..it says identify and analyze a minimum of 3 examples that support your thesis. Summarize the events and then provide analysis that explain the significant event In chapter 19 Arthuro drives back to los angeles. Consider arthuro first checked into the Alto Loma HOtel and the arthuro we meet in chapter 1. At the end of john fantes ask the dust, does arthuro bandini return to los angeles as a changed man? if so in what ways has he changed? If not why has he not changed? If both give evidence to support your idea Create a thesis statement that answer the main question above. Support your answers with specific evidence from the novel Identify and analyze a minimum of 3 examples that support your thesis Summarize the events and then provide analysis that explain the significant event ALso create a outline that includes thesis An introductory paragraph that contains :1. novel title and authors full name, 2. a plot synopsis, and 3. a clearly stated thesis sentence that answers the question above and a conclusion

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The Transformation of Arturo Bandini’s Character in Ask the Dust by John Fante
Thesis Statement: By the end of Ask the Dust by John Fante, it is clear that the Arturo Bandini who returns to Los Angeles is a changed man. He is more sociable, has accepted being outsider in Los Angeles, and he no longer holds strong beliefs about religion and God.
The novel Ask the Dust by John Fante narrates the story of Arturo Bandini, who unsuccessfully attempts to make a name for himself in Los Angeles as a writer.
Arturo’s experience in Los Angeles transforms his character significantly, by changing the way he views others, his social status, religion, and God’s place in human life.
Initially Arturo is boastful, more concerned about his career as a writer than his relationship with other human beings, and conscious of his outsider-status in a Whites dominated society
The Arturo we meet at the end of the novel is is a humbled person, skeptical about God and religion, and a more humane person who has reconciled his feelings of being an outsider
Arturo begins as a religious and God-fearing person, but later starts to question the relevance of God and religion.
At first Arturo goes to church and asks God to forgive him for becoming an atheist.
Later, when he commit adultery with Vera Rivken, Arturo refuses to repent, and does not feel guilty. He says that God and Christ are just myths.
Arturo changes into a more sociable and humane person after meeting Camilla Lopez. At first he sees himself as an outsider in Lose Angeles because of his low-class status.
When Arturo first meets Camilla, he calls her a “filthy little Greaser.” Later he learns to accept others even if they are of a lower social class than him.
At first Arturo is proud of being an American and concerned about people’s prejudice against him. He later realizes that he is an outsider like all the others, and accepts his place in society.
Conclusion: At the end of the novel Arturo is a changed person. His character, beliefs and self-perception change significantly between the first time he checks into Los Angeles and when he returns to the Alto Loma Hotel.
His loses his sense of guilt, religious beliefs and fear of God.
He learns to relate with other people and accepts his “outsider-status,” after recognizing that no one can be an insider in Los Angeles or America.
John Fante’s Ask the Dust is a story about a young man, Arturo Bandini, who comes to Los Angeles with the desire to make a name for himself as a writer. However, Arturo’s dream of becoming a successful writer fails to come true, leaving him frustrated about his career and life in general. After his failed attempt at writing, falling in love with Camilla Lopez but failing to make that love last, Arturo is left frustrated about his life failures. Nevertheless, Bandini’s character, beliefs, sense of self and philosophy of life changes significantly by the end of the novel. The Arturo who checks into the Alto Loma Hotel in chapter one is boastful, more concerned about his career as a writer than his relationship with other human beings, and worried about his “outsider-status” in Los Angeles. In contrast, the Arturo who returns to Los Angeles at the end of the novel is a humbled person, critical about God and religion, and a more humane person w...
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