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The Meaning of Language

Essay Instructions:

what’s the meaning of language to you. I can write some my ideas for you. For example, as a chinese student, english is a tool to communicate with others. (you can detail this and write an example). Chinese is my first language, it can represent my identity.

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Literacy Narrative
I was born and brought up in China, therefore, Chinese is my first language Am an international student and I moved from China to come and study in an American university and this is my second year in the USA. I have learned English which is the national language here in America. I studied both my primary and secondary education in China, therefore, I was used to using Chinese as my language at all times. In China, we used to speak, write and read in Chinese and it was really interesting. Before joining the school, my mother helped me learn Chinese both reading and writing. She could read bedtime stories for me in Chinese and made my drawings to help me understand Chinese.
When I grew up, I would read storybooks myself and make drawings for my mother who would really enjoy. As timed moved, I came to realize that reading and writing in Chinese were quite interesting and I would really enjoy. I could image stories and write them for my mum who would read and award me marks. I would watch football matches on the TV over the weekend and write stories which I would present to my classmates on Monday during game times. I was aspiring to be a journalist so I decided to go to America and do my university education there and get to learn more other languages.
Chinese is my first language as stated earlier. It represents my identity wherever I interact with other people. The fact that I can speak Chinese explains to other people who I really am. Although I have learned English for those years I have been in America, I can never forget the Chinese language. Whenever I see a Chinese in America, I miss home and I miss hearing people converse in Chinese. My love for Chinese grew as I grew up. I would visit my school library and look for a book of any genre to read. One day I came across a book with the title "The Chinese culture". It was more of a magazine but due to my age, I thought it was a book.
I loved reading and understanding my Chinese culture. This meant things to with religion, marriage, education and the very other general things that people did. I would ask my parents to explain to me where people did things the way they did like for example I questioned my mother why we prayed every morning, why the ladies always covered their heads and many other questions. My parents would answer some questions and they would tell me I will understand the rest as I grow up. My dad would buy for me Chinese magazines which I really enjoyed reading. In school, I learned how to read and write in Chinese. It was quite interesting after some years although at first, it was not easy.
When I got to class four, I met this Chinese teacher by the name Miss Collins. She was the toughest teacher in the school and pupils really feared her. She would expect the whole class to score eighty percent in the Chinese test failure to do s...
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