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Coates' View on Formal and Informal Education, and His Observations and Discovery

Essay Instructions:

How does Coates describe his formal educational experiences, and what are his critiques of them? Through what experiences outside of the classroom does Coates learn (at home, in the streets, in the library, at the Mecca, from the women he loved, as a father, as a journalist, in New York)? What does he learn from these experiences, and why does he value them so highly?
Please incorporate support from any of the other nonfiction or poem resources that we have read in this unit so far. This is practice for the type of weaving of main text quotes, supplementary source quotes, and analysis (commentary). How do some of Coates's experience mirror the topics in Angelou's, and Dunbar's poetry? What about the news reports of systemic racism?
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates pps. 58-99.

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A Discussion of the Experience of Coates
The book Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates is a letter to his son, as an effort to answer queries concerning the life they were living and the challenges that came with the situation. Coates explores thematic scenarios with regard to racism, segregation and enslavement by sharing personal life experiences. Coates weaves the experience with the history of the black community, and interactions with other fellow countrymen of different races in America. The essay explores the view Coates had on formal and informal education, and his personal observations about what he had discovered so far.
Coates spoke about his educational experience while growing up. He expressed dissatisfaction with the system because the educational system took away his freedom (1 14; 3 48). The writer felt he belonged to the library and not the classroom. The library gave more freedom to explore a topic of interest, as compared to a classroom where one had to follow an interest that was already laid down. Coates felt that education was a ...
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