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Does Living in the City is better than Living in the Suburbs for First Home Owners?

Essay Instructions:

Persuasive/Argumentative Essay

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Body paragraph: requires three supporting ideas and one counter-argument. The first three paragraphs write support ideas. Each supporting idea writes a paragraph. The last paragraph writes Counter-argument

the supporting ideas should persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions, convince an audience by use of logic or reason, and convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character.

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Is living in the city better than living in the suburbs for the first-time owners?
Owning a home for the first time is an exciting moment. For some individuals, it is a dream come true. A majority of the millennials are confident that they will achieve the American Dream, of which owning a home is a part of it (Dickerson 436). Owning a house is an essential breakthrough that many Americans wish to accomplish in their lifetimes. It is not just enough to own a home. Where you choose to live is a crucial contributor to who you are as an individual. The place where you live becomes a part of who you are and shaping your view on life. Currently, the U.S. cities accommodate more than 60% of the entire American population. However, both rural and suburban areas are experiencing growth each year. Deciding between living in the city or suburbs can be challenging for the first time owners. In this paper, I am going to indicate that living in the suburbs is better than in the city. I will present three arguments in favor of living in suburbs and one argument to support the opposing view.
Firstly, owning a home in suburbs is cheaper. By choosing to own a home in the suburbs as opposed to a city, individuals can save more money every year (Bernard 1). On average, families based in the U.S. cities spend about $9,000 more annually on basic housing and costs associated with childcare. On the contrary, homes in the suburbs are cheaper. It is essential to note that homes in these areas are bigger compared to the real estate options in the city. In many instances, suburbia living provides higher value for money. For example, you can acquire a house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and a garage in the suburbs which can be too expensive in the cities. Furthermore, life in the suburbs is cheaper compared to the cities. Movies, meals, clothing and other essential commodities and services are way cheaper in the suburbs.
Secondly, there is space in the suburbs. For families with children, suburbs offer larger homes with big lots as well as ample space (Long and Reed 1). In addition to the availability of large spaces in the suburbs, families enjoy being part of a close-knit community. Due to the availability of more space, the suburbs accommodate more neighbors and allow the children to have plenty of playmates. Such a sense of community is essential in the growth of children. In the cities, it is difficult for families to have a sense belonging to a community. With less space in the cities, it is impossible for families to interact with each other which diminishes the importance of a close-knit community. The other advantage of more space is that it offers more room for pets. Suburban areas tend to have fenced-in yards and parks which allow the pets to exercise during the day. In the cities, getting space for pets can be challenging which may restrict the number of pets homeowners can keep in these areas. One may argue that children and pets in the cities have access to great parks and museums where they can enjoy outdoor time. However, this puts a lot of strain on the parents since they have to walk them to the park which takes out on their schedule. This is not the case with families r...
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