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Elements of Figurative Language, Tone, and Structure in Poetry

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double space , size 12, new roman, i have agree poetry topic, need to finish reading first before u start to write the essay

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Elements of Literature in Poetry
There are various elements of literature that many poets take into consideration when expressing their thoughts. These components help to give the poems some oomph and euphoria that endear them to their target audiences. Some of these elements of literature include allegory, tone, figurative language, diction, irony, symbols, and structure among others. These components are also present in the three assigned readings. The essay, therefore, seeks to examine the elements of figurative language, tone, and structure from the assigned readings.
The element of figurative language is vividly noticeable from all the three readings. According to Seana Coulson (2002) “figurative language is the use of words to express meaning beyond the literal meaning of the words themselves” (p.337). Some of the important components that constitute the elements of figurative language include metaphors, similes, hyperbole, and personification. From the reading labeled Metaphors, the poet uses figurative language to enhance the meaning of the situation and theme. The poem is metaphorically structured from the first sentence where two things in riddles and nine syllables are equated for the mere sake of comparison and symbolism but in the real sense are not the same. There is also the usage of hyperbole in various parts of the poem. For instance, the statement “a melon strolling on two tendrils” is an exaggeration because melon is incapable of human movements. Various components of the figurative language also characterize the poem Do not go gentle into that good night. The poet uses hyperbole to exaggerate throughout the stanzas in the poem. For example, the second sentence of the third stanza, the poet notes “their frail dee...
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