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English (U.S.)
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Enabled My Growth In The English Language

Essay Instructions:

Course Goals

Rhetorical Knowledge

• Use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and composing a variety of texts

• Develop facility in responding to a variety of situations and contexts (academic and

nonacademic) calling for purposeful shifts in voice, tone, level of formality, design, medium,

and/or structure

• Use a variety of technologies to address a range of audiences

• Read and compose in several genres, understanding how genre conventions shape and are

shaped by readers’ and writers’ practices and purposes

Inquiry & Research

• Locate and evaluate a variety of primary and secondary research materials

• Summarize, paraphrase, analyze, and synthesize information from a variety of sources in their



• Incorporate work created by others in a variety of media (e.g., text, images, sound, video)

ethically and effectively for rhetorical purposes

• Apply citation conventions appropriate for genre, purpose, and audience

• Formulate viable research questions, hypotheses, and conclusions

Writing Processes & Craft

• Develop a writing project through multiple drafts

• Develop flexible strategies for reading, drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting,

rereading, and editing

• Evaluate the work of others, give useful feedback to others on their writing, and evaluate and

incorporate feedback from others in their own writing

• Assess accurately the strengths and weaknesses of their own writing, and develop individual

plans for revision and improvement

• Enact revision as substantive change

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Student’s Name
Final Self-Assessment Essay
This semester has been a great learning experience for me in the English language. Compared to when we began this class, I can confidently say that I have made some significant improvements. This progress I partly attribute to the ability to master the four concepts of rhetorical knowledge. To begin with, I have demonstrated a great understanding of how to identify and use rhetorical concepts that include ethos, pathos and logos. This has been possible through the composition and analysis of various different tests. The second concept that I have mastered involves paraphrasing, analyzing, summarizing and synthesizing a variety of information sources. On research, I am now in a better position to come up with research questions that are viable, formulate hypotheses and make conclusions. I have also mastered the fourth concept that involves criticizing and evaluating the works by other individuals and give out a well-thought response to the same. In the same way, I have learnt to use the feedback given by others to change my own writing in a positive way. In this paper, I will demonstrate how these four concepts enabled my growth in the English language buy giving examples of each of the four.
Through the analysis and composition of various tests, I have successfully demonstrated an understanding of rhetorical concepts. This concept particularly came in handy in works that required rhetorical analysis. One such work that I was able to analyze using rhetorical concepts is Fawaz’s article on “The Difference a Mutant Makes.” I was able to identify the use of ethos, logos and cultural logic. On logos, I was able to note that the author begins by stating that he identified with Storm the water goddess and her descent. He also points out that compared to other mutants the goddess was different. I was able to identify ethos whereby the author talks about a diversity that is achieved when individuals from different backgrounds forge meaningful relationships. For instance, Storm was able to form this kind of bond with her fellow X-Men. I also noted the use cultural logic where the importance of comic books is emphasized and seen as a necessary tool for readers to identify with characters from diverse backgrounds. By using these rhetorical concepts, the author is able to make his audience of readers familiar with the diversity of people and to appreciate it.
In my writing, I have also shown my summarizing, and paraphrasing abilities together with the ability to synthesize a variety of information. In summarizing, I have to keep in mind that only the main points or arguments have to be highlighted from any given work. Moreover, the summary has to include any examples given by the author. I demonstrated my summarizing ability using the articles by Berlatsky and Davis. In Berlatsky’s article, I was able to identify the main point that “the author chooses to address the issue of comic book readership among women in the modern society.” I also summarized the main argument to, “women are now increasing the attention that they pay to comic books, their characters and their worlds.” Instead of going into much unnecessary detail, I then summarized the data that shows that women are more interested than ever, in comics and ...
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