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Voting for a Judge. Literature & Language Assignment

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Voting for a Judge

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Voting for a Judge
These days, voters in judicial elections know a little about the qualifications and backgrounds of the candidates on the ballot. According to Manfred J. Holler and Hannu Nurmi, around 26 percent of voters who go to the polls do not cast their votes in judicial contests, and those who cast their votes in judicial elections are not informed about the long-term effects of their choices. Nearly 75 percent of the electorates are unable to identify who is the most suitable candidate for judicial office. Thus, most of them cast their votes blindly, or on the basis of information provided to them from the ballot itself (Holler & Nurmi 11). In my case, I think that before casting the vote, it is important to take some time and learn about the qualifications and background of the judge.
These days, a large number of people are attracted toward a particular candidate or two through misleading advertisements, which distort the judge’s records and focus on one or two successful cases of his career. For instance, if the judge has saved the life of an innocent by taking the decision in his favor, then this case will be highlighted in the advertisement. The fact is that things like this should not be paid too much attention since the qualifications of the candidate mean a lot.
Unfortunately, voters have no way to get sufficient information about whom to vote in judicial elections, and the specific evaluative criteria have been designed for jurisdictions where judges are appointed, not elected. I always turn to the internet, and talk to my friends or some senior citizens of the town to know more about the education and experience of my favorite judge. Like most...
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