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Factors Contributing to Delayed Adulthood. Literature & Language Essay

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Factors Contributing to Delayed Adulthood

5 paragraphs include Instruction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion. Each body paragraph must have the structure with a topic sentence, #1 quote, analysis, #2 quote, analysis, and a short conclusion.

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Factors Contributing to Delayed Adulthood
The world is changing a lot, and so is the cultures. These changes have resulted in a change in the manner in which people interact with one another. As well, growing has been affected by the changes hence resulting in a group of individuals known as emerging adulthood. The emerging adulthood is characterized by the age group between the transition of adolescent and adulthood. They fail to achieve the activities carried out by young adults, and therefore, they can be termed to have delayed adulthood. Various factors have contributed to the increasing rate at which the emerging adults are growing. Therefore, in the article "Grow up? Not so Fast" Lev Grossman has outlined some of the factors that have resulted in the delayed adulthood as well as giving scenarios that act as an example to the readers. Also, “Generation debt: Why now is a terrible time to be young” written by Anya Kamenetz, describes the difficulties that the emerging adults are facing.
The changes in the job market have resulted in individuals going back to school in order to meet the current skills required by employees. Therefore, this has resulted in adolescents spending a substantial amount of their youth in the colleges. Before the emergence of generation recession, individuals at the age of 20 to 25 years would have secured a job and started a family. However, the current situation is that such group of people are still in the schools advancing their studies in order to reduce the issue of job mismatch. In addition, most of them still live with their parents." The service-driven economy is also a youth driven economy, burning people’s energy and potential over a deep-fat... (Kamenetz 149). A youth driven economy is an economy whereby most of the factors resulting to its growth are controlled by the young people. The youth depend on such activities to earn a better living. Therefore, in a situation whereby the economy is not nurturing their talents by compensating them fairly for their efforts, then they will not be able to have financial independence at an early age. This delay is attributed to the fact that the graduates cannot get good jobs that are able to pay for such bills. Therefore, they have to go back to school and study more for them to be relevant in the job market. Gone are the days when a degree would guarantee a graduate a well-paying job. Hence, most of the adolescents spent much of their life studying for masters or Ph.D. degrees for them to secure good jobs. By the time they have a good job, they will already have delayed into becoming adults. "The years from 18 until 25 and even beyond have become a distinct and separate life stage, a strange transitional never-never land between adolescence and adulthood in which people stall for a few extra years, putting off the iron cage of adult responsibility that constantly threatens to crash down on them They are betwixt and between. You could call them twixters" (Grossman 158) Twixters refers to the group of the individuals in the delayed adulthood stage. The responsibilities surrounding the young adulthoods have put pressure on them to look for finances that will enable them to take care of the responsibilities associated with adulthood adequately. Therefore, the job market has played a substantial role in increasing the number of people in the delayed adulthood stage due to the pressure from society for the adolescents to have an independent life.
In addition, credit cards for students have also contributed to the rising number of individuals in emerging adulthood. In most cases, the students lack proper planning in the manner in which they should spend the money allocated to them in terms of credit cards. They spend the...
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