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How Technology that Affects Human Life can be Used in an Ethical Manner

Essay Instructions:

Answer this question in your paper:  How can technology that affects human life be used in an ethical manner? (In other words, what “moral compass” is needed to ensure that these technologies are used ethically?)        

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Human beings are special beings created with special traits that the animals do not have. Human beings share a lot in common despite the few things like religion, race, interests and many differences that tend to divide them. Technology has really developed recently and scientists are trying to use it to be God. Scientists using their deep knowledge of technology have tried to modify human beings, plants, and the environment and there is nothing wrong with that so long as it remains ethically upright. The development in technology is moving at a pace that ethical morals cannot keep. This paper explains how technology that affects human life can be used in an ethical manner.
To begin with is the genetic engineering of foodstuffs. Breeds of crops with far higher yields and less affected by diseases are being created. It's a good idea to be able to sustain the increasing population food wise but does were really consider the negative implications that these chemicals have to human life? "This genetic make-up has both long-term and short-term implications on the species of plants, soil, and the environment" (Lama 2005). The problem is that these technological possibilities are used for the wrong intentions. Drones are now used to invade other people's privacy not for their original reasons for photography "Cameras are now deployed for surveillance, spying and targeting" (Smits 2015). It would be ethical if these technologies are used for their right intentions.
The other impact of genetic science is felt in the field of medicine. "Scientists in this field have tried to move from a biochemical model of therapy to a genetically based model". Illnesses have been found to be determined in human bodies and animals as early as their conception (Lama 2005). At some point, the life of a human being or an animal can be terminated at embryo stage simply because genetics show it has some dangerous disease such as sickle cell anemia. I think the government is being reluctant in these issues. "But records indicate that drones were lent out hundreds of times to other government entities including DEA, FBI among others" The technology of drones is now being used by government agencies to carry out foreign conflicts causing suffering to the human race. "The December 12 drone attack killed 12 men and wounded at least 15 other people." (Smits 2015). The government should intervene and make these technological practices ethical.
Another issue that raises ethical questions is the practice of cloning. Human beings and animals have been cloned either through therapeutic cloning or reproductive cloning. There is nothing wrong with cloning; it is actually a "technological instrument for medical and therapy purposes". Photography is interesting and drones are used to capture the beauty of nature in the best way possible. It's high time for people and starts appreciating and cherishing the beauty of nature and their human life. "Not everyone I met spoke about the sinister capability of drones" (Smits 2015). People have different perspectives on the use of drones. Both the technology of cloning and use of drones are for the good of human beings if well used.
Parents are cloning children according to the genes they would preferably want their children to possess. These new technologies have able made it possible for parents to choose the sex of their unborn child. "How far can we go with the artificial selection of fetuses with desirable traits that are held to improve intelligence or physical strength or a specific color of eyes for instance?" (Lama 2005). This is done through insert genes into human sperm or egg in the laboratory. This shows that human beings have no respect for human life. Using drones for wars, spying, targeting a...
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