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Isaac asimov "little lost robot". Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

isac asimov's "little lost robot"

800 word essay on the following topic. the essay should include specific examples from your selection. your opening paragraph should make a clear what you plan to discuss and your body paragraph should develop the ideas that you set out in the introduction. you should end with w conclusion that ties the essay togther. that was the teachers instructions

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Little Lost Robot by Isaac Asimov.
Little Lost Robot is one of Isaac Asimov's short story that deals with scientific fiction of the invention of artificial intelligence. Three scientists invent robots but end up realizing that the independent robots could pose danger to humanity. They build the robots based on three programming laws. The three laws of robots which include; the first law states that robots must never pose any kind of harm to humans and they should intervene when a human is in danger. The second law states that robots must follow the instructions given by humans. The third law is that robots must be able to protect themselves but without going against the first rule and the second rule. The three scientists create robots with the intention of protecting human beings against harm but humans end up having anxiety towards the robots as they interfere with their daily activities and end up posing danger to humans.
The programmed rules seem logical but they bring certain issues. In the story, humans are working in a harmful radiation environment thus they must work for a short period. It is dangerous to work at the mining site but precautions are taken and no fatal accidents have ever occurred. Unfortunately, the robots do not understand the shade of harm even though necessary precautions are taken. This makes humans to feel inferior to the robots.
The story is based on a mining corporation that has been improved by a group of little robots. The robots have interfered with the humans work in the mining corporation as they act on their first law that they should intervene when a human is in danger. The robots are protecting the humans against the harmful radiations. The workers had to work as they were exposed to blasts of radiation but in a brief period of time as they conducted the mining. One robot that was tinkered with abruptly vanishes and is assumed to be with the other 62 identical robots that had vanished. These robots work for the mining corporation.
Calvin is afraid that the robots could pose danger to humans while still acting under the half law of the first law of robots. The law that states that the robots shou...
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