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Map a Conversation. Literature & Language Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Joining a conversation is not always a simple task. As you have learned through previous assignments, it often requires us to listen, to ask questions, to research, to identify competing perspectives. It also requires us to take a position and add our own voice to the mix. Your aim in this assignment will be to take steps in this direction by 1) mapping out the conversation you have been researching, and 2) crafting the foundations of a novel argument. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Map a Conversation
Childhood obesity has become a major international problem, especially in the US. Currently, the issue has led to continuous debate regarding its causes. The information regarding the causes of childhood obesity will help in its prevention and cure the condition. Therefore, the work focuses on crafting information from various articles about the causes of childhood obesity and a general opinion on the issue.
Sahoo, Krushnapriya, et al. "Childhood obesity: causes and consequences." Journal of family medicine and primary care4.2 (2015): 187.
The article explains that childhood obesity will likely to lead to the development of other diseases at adulthood including heart problems and diabetes. Further, the article describes various factors that contribute to the problem such as lifestyle preference, culture, and environmental factors. The beliefs of a community will determine their practices including the kind of food that they eat. Generally, the traditions of a society will make them eat or not eat certain foods that largely determines whether they will gain or not gain weight. Also, the environment in which a person is brought up will determine the type of foods that they frequently eat. Specifically, the study points out those who were brought up in urban areas are likely to experience the problem than those who were raised in rural regions. Moreover, the lifestyle of a person such as the income level of the family in which a child is brought up will determine the rate at which they will contract the disease. Specifically, the work points out large fat and caloric intake to be the major cause of childhood obesity.
Ross, Catherine E. Social causes of psychological distress. Routledge, 2017.
The article describes that social inequality such as variation in power, prestige, and income as the main causes of childhood obesity. The authors observe that the rate of poverty is greater among the Black Americans than other communities in the US. Moreover, the article investigated racial variation in employment, education, and occupation that contribute to unequal level of income. The researchers concluded in their study that inequality is the major course of childhood obesity as the unfortunate people have inadequate access to health facilities. Specifically, they observed that the rate of childhood obesity is common among the Black Americans than the Whites because the later have the resources to access health services and receive advice from medical experts on how to prevent the occurrence of the problem. Hence, according to the article, social inequality is the main cause of childhood obesity among several people globally.
Sweeting, Helen N. "Gendered dimensions of obesity in childhood and adolescence." Nutrition Journal 7.1 (2008): 1.
The article compares the rate of childhood among male and female children in the society. The study indicates that the rate of the overweight is common among girls than boys. The cause of the variation is connected with the difference in lifestyle including the kind foods that they eat. Specifically, girls love eating sugary foo...
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