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Kant's Views on Good Will and Moral of Actions

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Good will as the only Moral Virtue
According to Kant, good moral aspects are linked to a person’s will of being happy. He suggests that good will is the only thing that is absolutely good and has good moral values. Besides what good will is capable of performing and its suitability to attain most of the anticipated outcomes, good will is perfectly good in itself. It is considered to be self-esteemed above all other virtues that may have inclined it. Kant argues that intelligence; power; wealth and happiness are very bad if the good will is not put in place (Kant 116).
Happiness is among virtues that people call good, according to Kant happiness is not a morally upright element. People can be influenced to find self-motivation to be in a position to offer joy to other people around them taking delight for their satisfaction by the force of duties. No matter how successful the result could be, good moral virtues is not applied hence terming happiness as a bad virtue and immorally upright. Moral worth of actions is not based of the predictable results. Happiness of others can be brought about by other influences instead of rational will of a person presented (Kant).
Good will is morally valuable. It is the only good thing that can be considered in and out of the world. Other valuable actions like kindness and courage cannot be considered morally upright if they are influenced by nature forces. Good will is a self-independent aspect which when applied in actions to happiness lifts up moral aspect of human being. Self-rationing while performing duties does not add value to a person’s moral. In this case, ...
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