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Sexual Health Education in Canadian Schools Assignment

Essay Instructions:

structure paper by first taking two or three paragraphs to summarize the main arguments before moving to an analysis of the chosen text. From there, choose three concepts or supporting arguments that you see as central to the article’s focus. From there, develop your own reflections on what the article contributes to sexuality studies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Sexual Health Education in Canadian Schools
The current age of modernization and development has virtually exposed most youth to more opportunities and choices they make. This makes the necessity of sex education among the youth since they are vulnerable to early pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). There is an obvious increase in miscarriages, abortions, spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Statistical studies show the significance of sex education, which is mainly to educate most teens and youths the risks they face. Taking precautions is a requirement of how the youths need to tackle their restlessness and channel their energy in a more meaningful direction (Canadian Pediatric Society 3). Sex education exposes teens to appreciate their gender identity, body images, responsibilities, intimacy, and marriage relationships.
Sex education in schools offers necessary information and skills to enhance sexual health and avert adverse sexual health outcomes. It has become a substantial contributing influence to the wellbeing and life of the youth. School based programs have been considered to be important venues for providing sexual health education to young individuals in (Canada Canadian Pediatric Society 5). The article reveals how Canada is a multicultural society in which individuals with various philosophical, ethnic, and religious values live together with a conjoint acknowledgment and respect for the basic rights and privileges that all inhabitants are entitled to in an autonomous community (Canadian Pediatric Society 13). Sexual education guidelines are centered on the principle that it should be accessible to all individuals and that it should be offered in a social and ethnic sensitive manner that esteems individuals’ rights to execute informed choices about sexual health. Sex health education informed by self-ruled principles offers individuals with complete and accurate information so that they have the capacity to implement cognizant decisions that directly affects their individual health.
Young individuals have the right to lead their own lives and the society has the role of preparing them with an inclusive sexual health education that provides them with the necessary tools they require to make sexual health decisions. However, sexual education programs should not only involve the youth with endless discussions of abstaining and contraception to assist the young generation to avert unnecessary pregnancies, they must also offer honest and age-appropriate material and skills essential to enable them take individual responsibilities (Canadian Pediatric Society 17). Research has shown that sex education which offers realistic, comprehensive and progressive applicable facts on human sexuality, including risk reduction strategies and contraception enables young individuals to take steps to protect their health, including delaying sex, using contraception or condoms
Concepts/Supporting Arguments
Sexual health education is a multidimensional issue involving achieving of desired outcomes like mutually fulfilling interpersonal relationships as well as correct parenthood with a view to avoiding negative outcomes like unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI). The trends in sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy, condom use, first intercourse age, together with the youth facing challenges of discrimination as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT), and the technological impact, explain the need to provide quality sexual health orientation cannot be understated (Haberland, 35). The numerous cases of abortions are a clear indication that most of the pregnancies among the teens were untended, hence their chance and capacity to take charge of their sexuality with regard to reproductive ...
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