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Is Web Tracking Good Or Not?

Essay Instructions:

(International is convenient to our daily life. <=This sentence is not clear.) More and more people choose shopping and ordering something online. It is obvious that web saves a lot of many time and gives power to us, (while it exist risk to customers.<= not clear) In my perspective, web tracking causes information disclosure, card fraud, privacy infringement, advertisement harassment and more disadvantages.

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Student Name Professor Name Course Date Web Tracking Web tracking is a technique used by websites to identify and collect information about their users. This information is generally collected in the form of web browsing history. In order to obtain accurate data, websites save small pieces of information, use user accounts and hardware configuration and embed invisible objects (Urvoy et al.20). From a user’s point of view, web tracking may not be good, but from a webmaster’s point of view, it is the only way to improve the overall user experience. The first benefit of web tracking is that it allows websites to identify the geographical locations of visitors. It means every person’s IP address is recorded in order to determine whether the traffic is organic or inorganic. Another advantage of web tracking is that it helps determine the ...
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