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2 pages/≈550 words
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What Do You Do During Your Free Time?

Essay Instructions:

Please prepare a one-to-two page essay (about 500 words) answering one of the following questions:

What do you do in your spare time?

In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge your generation will face, and how would you deal with this challenge?

If you had to formulate the perfect admissions essay question, what would it be and how would you answer it?

Topic of your choice

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Name Course Course Instructor Date What do you do during your free time? I spend most of my free time tending to my social life. Visiting friends, attending a game at the local stadium, watching a movie, having a chat with my family members or at times just lazing at my place taking a nap. How I spend my free time varies a lot with the type of mood and/or current situation. When I have finances, and in the right spirit I may decide to go out with friends and have a good time. At times, I may feel to be in a mood which requires me to be just alone and think through things. It happens when I am going through something stressful, and I need to put my thoughts together to deal with it. After a while, maybe once per month, I may use my free time to visit my parents, especially when I have a significant break from daily routines. Most of my free time during a typical day, e.g., during lunch break, is spent in social media chatting and connecting with friends. The greatest challenge faced by my generation One of the problems with my generation is that they/we prefer to rely more on our electronic gadgets rather than connect with real people. A person cares more about their phone than they look out for their friends. Some people even measure self-esteem with the number of likes or follows on social media platforms...
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