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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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The Mending Wall Essay

Essay Instructions:

Robert Frost is the other major poet we study in the course. Like Dickinson, Frost often writes about nature (a country path, trees, and stone walls, for example); unlike Dickinson's poetry, however, Frost's appears to be more accessible. Despite its formal simplicity, his poetry can be very profound. Use at least three poems assigned this week to explain what deeper insights you have found in Frost's work. At least 200 words in 12 point.

Poems:Not Taken” (871); “My November Guest” (874); “Mending Wall” (874-875); “The Oven Bird” (880); “Fire and Ice” (880); “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (881-882); “Nothing Gold Can Stay” (883)

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Robert Frost
The works of Frost makes him famous as a poet that loves nature. Some of his poems are a good example of his inspirations and the appreciation of England's rural life. The common factor about his poems is that he must describe nature regardless of what the poem is talking about. He has been able to relate the normal life activities to nature hence bring out masterpieces such as those analyzed below.
"My November Guest."
In this poem, Frost compares the lady to various items of nature such as the withered trees, the autumn rain, and mist. This is an indication that everything in his life, love included, reminds him of the beauty of nature.
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