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The Game MIA: Female Android, Who Faces Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Final projects should be accompanied by a research essay on the focused subject(s) with a technical and conceptual description in the context. At least five readings/screenings/games should be cited in addition to three independent research materials. Based the problem on gender, sexuality and identity.

This is my course website. It has reading materials and topics you must need to read. As above said, five readings/screenings/games should be cited in addition to three independent research materials!!! Please read or watch the links and follow all the instructions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Professor: Date: Final essay Games provides players with several opportunities , games are designed to allow players to try out what they visualize and also what they feel. This essay seeks to analyze the game MIA a female android, who faces challenges as she seeks to find out her purpose in life. Escaping “the school of the gifted” she enters a world full of uncertainty and social evil. Meeting Evelyn makes her start questioning her sexual identity and gender (Jenkins and Casse). All that, coupled with a conflicting view over the possibility of a harmonious coexistence between the Humans and Androids become a psychological torture to her. The essay shows how she puts an effort to make the world a better place. It is 2118 AD; the world is at the peak of technological advancement. Wars are being fought using the most advanced technology. With the world divided into two,East and West due to fight for oil. In the west, the technological advancement has seen to it that androids have been developed and live among the people. Schools to handle the new emotion have been set and are divided into three, the developed, average and beginners. The androids are programed with algorithm used in to enforce the law (Galloway). The main character, an eighteen year old female android called, Mainframe Integrated Android 5016 or MIA, attends an average school for the androids even though her capabilities were way higher. MIA loved taking photographs of the city from the highest building during the weekend. She was also fascinated by video games. MIA starts to question herself on the usefulness of the android community to the world and decides to investigate (Jennings). She sneaks into the dean’s office and uses her skills to hack into his laptop, checking the mails from the Department of defense, she finds out that the androids are being developed to be used in the war against the East. There were orders that any android who could make their own decision without programming or act without orders is supposed to be destroyed with immediate effect (Jennings). MIA is really disturbed by this discovery. Three days later, thirty-five students were asked to take part in advanced combat training and did not return. A week later, word came back that they had successfully passed their training and advanced.MIA did not believe this and sought to find out more. She bugged the conference room that was to be used to submit the report about the students, On the release of the report she finds out that they had been destroyed due to exposure to high radiation. Angered and deeply frustrated by this realization, MIA connives to escape from the school. On the first day of the month, when a party is held to celebrate the day of the Founding fathers, she steals the chief warden’s pass card and walks to freedom without triggering the alarm. Life outside the school was a little bit challenging for MIA as she had to cater for herself and hide as she was definitely sure that by then she was being searched. As she walks on the streets, she sees an advertisement for a photography event at Times Square and her fascination for photography kicks in and MIA decides to attend the event. The event was full of people, high caliber cameras were on display MIA decides to walk to the showroom to marvel at the master craft photos taken by professional photographers. Her attention, is caught by a particular photo taken at the highest cliff of the mountain facing the city. Suddenly a beautiful, blond Hispanic lady shows up and introduces herself as Evelyn. She offers to take her through the story of each photo in the room. Time went really fast that evening for MIA, Evelyn was a great company to her. She really had a passion for photography. To Evelyn, photography was a gateway from the problem ridden world. It literarily helps her view the world from a different lens. Evelyn then invites MIA to her home for dinner, on reaching MIA quickly notices how out of touch, Evelyn was with her parents. They have dinner with her parents, but it ends with a spat over Evelyn missing school at her own will. It is then that Evelyn confides to MIA that she was not happy. She does not like the school she attends and felt that her parents never understood her. She was not allowed to dress how she wanted. Her father, a disciplinarian does not allow her to hang out with her age mates saying she would succumb to negative peer pressure. She felt her whole life was like a prison, she felt that the society in general was intolerant and full of cruelty (Galloway). MIA listened at her attentively and held her when she sobbed. For the first time, Evelyn felt loved and cared for. MIA tells her that she sympathizes with her, as she understood her predicament owing to the experience that she had passed in the school of androi...
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