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Game Design Analysis: Specific Purposes

Essay Instructions:

Final projects should be accompanied by a 1500 - 2000 words essay on the focused subject(s) with a technical and conceptual description in the context. At least five readings/screenings/games should be cited in addition to three independent research materials.

This is my course website. It has reading materials and topics you must need to read. As above said, five readings/screenings/games should be cited in addition to three independent research materials!!! Please read or watch the links and follow all the instructions.

The PDF and WORD FILES I upload is the sources for the game. The name of the game is Wizarding 101. The character's name is Lilian. Files "Lilian description", "Lilian powerpoint" and "interaction flowchart"are for the character. (like the character's background scenario/biography, costume, special powers/abilities, and context (i.e.: historic period, location, position in society, etc) and dynamics of game mechanics.) The other two files are for the game. Please read all of files!!!! But don't repeat them!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Professor: Date: Game design Analysis Games are designed to fulfill specific purposes to different players; some games are designed to show challenges others players might face, which can be equated to some of the challenges faced by students with disability within the classroom setup. This paper contains a game script that seeks to bring into focus how students with disability find it hard to function in the class. The theme of the message is to review how such students can learn to work around their educational challenges. Our game takes place in one location, a classroom that has objects related to wizardry and school. We will front this through our main character, Lillian, who is unable to complete simple tasks and become alienated by other characters. She has encountered difficulty both academically and socially. However, she later accepts who she is and learns that doing something in a different way does not make it the wrong way (Galloway). Our message through this game is that when encountering difficulty it is prudent to speak up and learn how to find solutions for the problems we face. Introduction Lillian Milrose could not contain her excitement anymore; how it even happen? Going to Magic academy had been her dream since she learned to walk. Now that she was walking into the school gate, she could feel butterflies in her stomach, the idea of the number of friends she was going to make and what she would do after graduating filled her mind that she could not even see the other students rushing to class. Lillian had attended the orientation program the previous day and thus had no problem finding her class. At the door, Miss Carol stood with a wide smile ushering in the new students and assigning them sitting positions. Lillian then took upon herself to know her classmates. Her desk mate was Jack, whose father was the leader of the famous spectrum performers. He was nice and funny; he kept using his wand to strike flies down and laughed really hard about it. Behind them sat Sarah, she seemed to take everything seriously. Miss Carol began attending the class before Lillian could know half of the class, but that was not a big deal as she there was still plenty of time. Lillian notices that the class is full of items that she had previously only heard of. Hanging in front of the class is the cursed helmet; on the right corner from Miss Carol was the gem range. The shining gemstones really fascinated her. There was a huge table with cubes and several card boxes, Lillian did not have an idea what they were supposed to be used for but knew she would learn soon. After reading the school's regulation to the class, Miss Carol informs the class to use that session to get acquainted with each other. The moment Miss Carol steps out of the class, Lillian turns to Jack and asks if he has the faintest idea what the gems were for. Jack similarly does not have a clue. Unable to contain herself, Lillian steps out of her desk and walks towards them. Jack and Sarah follow her in a bid to stop her from doing a mistake. When they reach the gems, they all hear a voice thanking them for accepting the invitation to participate in gem hunting. Frightened, Lillian tries to explain to the voice that there was a mistake, but Sarah tells her not to disobey the voice (Jenkins and Cassel). They are tasked to find three items that are hidden in plain sight within the class using their wands, failure to which the gems will choose a fine or punishment to be meted. Quickly, they drew their wands and shine the tip, which had a laser-kind beam that could reveal writings or even drawings that had been watermarked and could not be seen with plain eyes. Sarah was the first to find a Rubik gemstone drawing on the wall behind Miss Carol's desk. Lillian still had a problem with lighting her wand when Jack found the hidden key to the kingdom of Eldron (Flanagan). The class' attention now turned to Lilian, she felt confused and faint. They were running out of time, Jack took her wand to check if it was broken but found no problem with. He then hurriedly teaches her how to light it; Sarah was by then behind the desks. As Jack and Lilian resume the hunt, Sarah is behind the class searching. Lilian points her flash to the class' window and the mirror of Jeevan appears. The rest of the students who by then had turned their attention to the three sighed in relief (Jennings). Lilian was very pleased with herself for finding the mirror and contributing to the hunt. Sarah pointed to her the mistake she made when handling the wanted. The class was filled with chatter as they talked about what had just happened. That night Lilian could not sleep, thoughts about how she had made a lot of friends that day made her very excited. In her imagination, she knew that Magic academy was a nice place, but how it had turned out on her first day made her wish for morning to come quickly. Levitating cubes Lilian wakes up late the next day but manages to reach class on time. The first lesson was on levitating taught by Professor Hang. He was a jolly man who was easily amused. When he founds Jack casting spells in his class, he makes him float in front of the class as a punishment. After teaching the basic, Professor Hang asks the class to follow him to the back of the class, he removes the cardboards and cubes Lilian had seen the previous day (Jennings). They were supposed to use their levitating powers to play the game of removing obstacles to clear path for villagers. The game begins with Mike lifting a mini-van to allow the villagers to go to the market. Jack moves a truck out of the way for the school bus, Sarah lifts it t into school. When Lilian's time to move the cube comes, she visually concentrates on the cube and lifts it up and when she is about to move it, her energy wanes and the cube fall back (Jennings). She then tries again to gravitate the cube once more, this time closing her eyes. The cube flips up and down, push...
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